Sunday, July 1, 2018

Press On!

10 years ago this month, July 2008, I made a decision that changed my life. I was over 200 lbs, I had been overweight for most of the previous 20 years. I knew I had to make a change. In the midst of the horrid Texas summer heat I walked every day. I started an eating plan that was easy, healthy and effective.  Over the course of the next 9 months I lost over 60 lbs. In these last 10 years I have maintained that weight loss for nearly that whole time. The last  6 months have been a challenge. 

I received a diagnosis of a chronic arthritic condition that will not go away. I was in somewhat of a spiritual slump and my various work endeavors are not going as I had planned. Things had to change. My first step was nutrition - I chose a health and wellness route to treat the psoriatic arthritis. It hasn't always been easy, but it is certainly worth it.

Next was the spiritual - I made the decision to go back to a small group Bible study.  What was interesting about that, it was the first time in 20 years that I had attended a study that I wasn't leading!  It was great to simply be with a group of great women, share, pray and study together.

Work continues to plod along, not nearly at the rate I would like.  New opportunities are coming and I will be exploring ways to expand, grow and provide.

That brings me to this last week.  As I sat and grumbled to myself about the Texas heat, I thought back to 10 years ago and how I would faithfully walk during my lunch hour.  In the hottest part of the day, every day, I would put on my exercise clothes and I just did it.  This morning when I looked at the forecast and realized that we are in for a series of 100 degree days I first thought - "I'll just stay in".  But it wasn't 100 at 7am, it was in the 70s.  So I laced up those shoes and out I went!

The entire time I was walking that 2 and a quarter miles I was thinking about all that progress I made when it was HARD 10 years ago.  As I have inched up in weight I decided that there is no way I am going back to that.  It's harder now!  I'm 10 years older (61), I have a chronic condition that today is attacking my hands, one knee and one shoulder. It hurts. I make the personal choice not to take high power drugs that have a longer list of side effects than relief. I choose to put on my walking shoes, get out of my chair, and eat better foods.

Oh, and there is one more thing - I knit.  A lot! I can sit for hours and work with yarn and needles. I spend money on excellent quality yarn, but it's not nearly what I would have to spend on drugs that will do more harm than good.  Knitting moves those painful joints and in the end I have a beautiful item as a result, not more health problems.  The joints are pretty swollen today, so lots of knitting is in store.

Today on my walk I had a long talk with myself - I'm not going back to where I was 10 years ago.  I'm facing my obstacles and pressing on.  15 lbs to lose is WAY more manageable than 60+!  I'm back on the eating plan that helped me lose 60 lbs, and I will be back at my goal.

My challenge to you today - take a look at where you are and where you want to be. Whether it is a health goal, a spiritual desire or anything else - you can do it!  Come along on my journey, let's do it together.

Lent - What does it mean for me?

  It seems like I just finished writing the Christmas posts, and now we are on Ash Wednesday. "Isn't that only for Catholics?"...