Monday, March 14, 2016

Be Thou My Vision


My eyesight has somewhat followed the pattern of my Mom's: I needed readers first then noticed they weren't quite effective. Over the years I have progressed to bifocals, now trifocals and basically they are one of my must have items.  I have also found, in recent years, that the Rx for my glasses barely makes it through the year before I need to go back for an exam and get yet another adjustment.  It frustrates me!  So last night I was in bed, unable to sleep and thinking about items that I must have near me.  Sure I could get by without my glasses, I can see distances pretty well, but that mid range for the computer and closeup definitely blur out drastically if I remove my glasses.  Because of the shape and condition of my eye I am unable to wear contacts - so I'm stuck.

As I tossed and turned last night, on in to the early morning hours, I thought a lot about this year's lent journey in the wilderness.  It reminded me of wearing glasses.  Sometimes I have a clear view -things are in focus and my perception is good.  Other times, just like when my glasses fog over in room temperature change, or the lens' get dirty and my view can be clouded - so goes my battle with temptation.  Things come along to cloud my focus, to distract me from my spiritual intentions.  I can be working in the kitchen or craft room and my glasses will get dirty but I keep going, I continue on until it just becomes too difficult.  I find I follow the same pattern with the things that tempt me.  I go along for awhile, thinking "this isn't so bad, I will just fall off this one time" then suddenly it is like when I have to completely remove my glasses to clean them!  I realize I can't see a thing.  Things are blurred, my focus and perceptions are all askew.  So it is when I let the distraction completely blind me from my focus on God.

Wearing glasses is necessary for me to work (and play) safely, effectively and comfortably. So it goes with my walk with God.  Reading Scripture, praying, serving and worship are necessary for me to keep the temptation at bay.  When I keep my spiritual being clean and up to date (just like my eyeglass Rx) things are more in focus and comfortable.  I find comparisons in odd places in the middle of the night........ and right now I need to clean my glasses!

Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart;
naught be all else to me, save that thou art.
Thou my best thought, by day or by night,
waking or sleeping, thy presence my light               versed by Eleanor H Hull 1912

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Lent - What does it mean for me?

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