Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Stuck in a time warp

Lately I've been feeling stuck in a time warp..... I log on to this blog and find that I haven't written since summer (though I have composed great entries in my head - where did they go?!) Then I got in my car yesterday and the temp read 101!  On October 12, really?  Isn't this supposed to be fall, with beautiful colors, sweaters to wear and hot tea or chocolate, or maybe a great pumpkin latte?  Oh, I forgot "global warming" (which I DO NOT think is our most pressing world issue.)

I live in Texas, and our weather is often not what the calendar says it should be- in a few days it could be 50!  But what about the other things in our lives?  It is interesting to ponder what causes me to go into a funk.  Weather certainly, but also life circumstances, money issues, relationships and expectations.  The "why me" mentality takes over.  I ask myself why questions all of the time....but rarely do I get answers.  What helps me the most is to read and look at how people in really difficult situations handle them with joy and acceptance.  When I focus on all that is good, the not so good fades.  It takes effort to do that!  So today, facing another unseasonably hot day, and now a severe alert of fire danger, I will make a joy list:

*I have a home, car and workplace that are air conditioned.
*I have family to love and care for, and they are close by to me
*I have a job I love 
*I am healthy when so many battle devastating illness
*I have my faith and when all else fails God never leaves me
*I have good friends that I can call on when I need something, and know that they can call on me for help too

My life seems stuck in a time warp - but as this verse promises:

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. Ecc. 3:1

So rather than feel 'stuck' today - I will watch. I will look for what the "everything" that is coming and embrace it.  

Today I choose to inspire myself.

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