Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Little Pleasures, Take the Time!

Even though my daily summer duties of caring for our grand daughters is done I am still helping sometimes with picking the girls up from school.  Yesterday the 7 year old was here for about an hour and a half before time to go home.  She loves to cook so I had her help me in the kitchen.  As we mixed up a meatloaf she practiced her measuring skills with spoons and cups and she learned it is kind of hard to get everything mixed in the meat.  We chatted about her day as we worked together (she never stops talking!).  We also made a pie and THAT was an experience!  When whisking eggs there was a little more on the counter  than normal and as we rolled dough the flour kind of exploded everywhere!  We did have a little cinnamon sugar pie crust treat with the left over though, yum.

Things may not turn out exactly as I want when my sous chef is a 7 year old, but seeing and hearing the excitement in her is worth every minute.  As she washed dishes after, I knew I would need to to go back and make sure they were clean, but her sense of accomplishment makes it worth the extra steps I take later.  I would show her "Chloe, you missed this spot" and she would gladly rewash.  When she turned around and said "Grammy, I got them all clean!"  my heart just swelled with joy.  Hopefully some day she will think back to cooking with Grammy and smile.

I have been reflecting on my day yesterday.  I was excited to go to the grocery store alone, after a summer spent wrangling children.  I had my list made, meals planned for the week and was ready to just fill my cart.  I was sure that a Monday morning in the grocery store would be a quick trip.  Not yesterday!  It seemed that every retired couple in town was also shopping yesterday.  Now, I'm not one that likes to shop with my husband.  Things that don't need to be in our cart often appear.  Also, he may choose brands that I'm not as fond of, so I just prefer to shop alone.  Well, even though I wasn't able to move as quickly through the aisles and had to wait a long time in line at checkout I have since asked God to forgive my impatience and I spent time praying for those lovely couples in the store yesterday.  That may have been their only outing for the week, they were enjoying talking and picking out items to place in their cart.  I helped one couple get an item on the top shelf that they couldn't quite reach anymore with their arthritic joints.  In another aisle there was a lady looking at an item, with a coupon in her hand, trying to find the correct product to go with the coupon.  She didn't even realize that I was waiting and couldn't get around her.  I think back now and am ashamed at my impatience, when I should have asked her if I could help. Instead I just turned around and went back out the other end of the aisle. 

From starting my day with impatience because I wasn't able to finish as quickly as I liked, to ending it with extra patience as I cooked with my grand daughter, I realized that as I get older it won't be long until I am that lady looking at the coupon in the store.  I will be the one taking my time in the store because it is something to do.  Hopefully there won't be an impatient person near me (like me yesterday) and some kind words will be spoken to me.  I will now be more aware of those around me, looking beyond what inconveniences me and help.  We have no way of knowing what is going on with the people around us, so a little patience and understanding are good things.  It didn't matter that I had to go rewash a few dishes and spend extra time cleaning up spilled eggs and flour - what is more important is that I spent time with my grand daughter.  What I wouldn't give for just one more time of cooking with my Dad. 

May your day have moments to bless others - watch for them, and you will be blessed in the process.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

It's Fair Time!!

In the summer of 2006, when we first moved to Fredericksburg, TX, I was so excited when I heard there is a County Fair here!  I started seeing signs and preparation for the 'longest running fair in Texas'.  Businesses and schools take Friday off, or reduced hours, in order to enjoy the parade that morning.  You see I grew up in a small county in the Sierra foothills of California where there is a county fair to beat ALL fairs!  I remember fondly helping my Dad set up his business booth in the commercial building each year.  It was also a 4 day fair in a small rural area, but people traveled from all over California to attend that particular fair. Every event was great - beginning with the beauty pageant (I was runner up in the summer of 1974- sponsored by the Lion's Club) - imagine my excitement as one of the 'fair princesses'  and being allowed to sit in the rodeo announcer booth then present the cowboys with their buckles and prizes after events - woowee!!  I loved the dances and as a child being able to stay up late on fair nights.  In my teens, though I wasn't a livestock gal, my best friends were 4H and FFA members so I often got to sleep over in the livestock barns with them as they stayed with their animals. Wandering the fair grounds all night while it was closed was like a wonderland! I also remember one of my friends crying as she sold her first steer at 4H auction, and vowing never to name her animals again. There was a lumberjack competition with two man sawing, ax chopping, log rolling and more (it was logging country of course!) The Saturday night bull riding was always my favorite- I love rodeo. I never could quite figure out the destruction derby though - all those men driving around crazy in the arena trying to crash!! Loud and fun, the destruction derby wound down the fair weekend.

I started entering things in the fair at an early age (9) - from baked goods to crochet, sewn garments and even flower arranging.  I loved taking those items in and going back to see if a ribbon was attached.  I continued that all through high school and only had a break in fair entries during my 25 years in Del Rio, where there was no fair. I even entered fair items when I was stationed in Alaska.  I was amazed at the 62 lb cabbage I saw there! I was so excited when we moved here to learn there was a County Fair. As soon as the booklets came out I was planning what to enter that first August.  I was in the middle of major renovation of the house we had purchased, I was adjusting to a new job and Waylon was still in Del Rio finishing out the year of work and selling our home there.  I planned to spend all my time that weekend at the fair and enjoy every moment of it.  In my mind I was back at the beautifully manicured grounds in Plymouth, CA at the Amador County Fair.  Acres of property, beautiful flowers, trees, and a lovely pond in the middle of the exhibit halls. Sitting on the grassy hill by the tractor exhibit, listening to the putt-putt of the John Deeres. Dance pavilion, livestock barns, Western town complete with OK Corral shootouts - oh the memories!  

As Thursday approached I had my entries ready to take to the fair grounds.  I really hadn't gone by there, even though it is fairly close to town.  As I pulled up on that very hot, dusty day  in August of 2006, my heart sank.  All I saw were a few buildings, a barren patch of dried grass, the carnival and a few concession stands.  Where were all the buildings?! Where were the extensive grounds to explore over the next 4 days?  My childhood memories were just that - memories.  Yet all around me I saw excitement, preparation for the beauty pageant, talent show and more.  For the residents of Gillespie County this is what they had waited for - THEIR county fair!  Now I am a resident of Gillespie County.  This will be the 11th summer I have entered items in the fair.  I take my granddaughters to the carnival, I walk through the livestock exhibits and see the pride on children's faces at recognition for their hard work, and I work as a teller at the horse races.  Is it the experience of my childhood and that wonderful 'step back in time' county fair in the mountains in Plymouth, CA?  No.  But I see wonder and excitement on the faces of children, I see parents excited to share their childhood memories at the fair with their own children. I hear laughter, music and the smell of funnel cake that calls to me.  

My memories of the Amador County Fair will never dim.  Now I'm making new ones.  They are different, but that same thrill still wells up inside of me when I go look to see if my entry has a ribbon attached.  The same excitement bubbles up when the fair parade travels down Main St. and children are waving and adults are laughing and enjoying time together. The Gillespie County Fair is now my fair too - I may still be an auslander to some, but this gal is making new memories and I will treasure them as much as the ones of childhood.  

We all have the opportunity to make things  special.  It isn't so much the buildings, grounds, and events - it is the look on the faces of the ladies as they smile when you lay your item down to be judged.  It is the sound of relaxation and laughter as people wander through the exhibits and say "oh look, Joe won a ribbon for his tomatoes".  It is sleepy children, with sticky cotton candy faces that will dream of their night at the fair.  It's about family.  Go make memories.  They may not be as you remember, but they will certainly be special because you share them with those you love.

Saturday, August 20, 2016


At any given moment there is weather variance around the world.  Some are recovering from devastating floods, others are battling raging wildfires and would welcome a drenching rain.  Today in central Texas it is raining.  Some are grumbling, as it has been rainy and gloomy for most of the week.  As children get ready to go back to school many families had planned to enjoy outdoor activities but the muddy, rainy conditions may hamper those plans. I look out my window and see a glorious, cloudy, rainy day.  The hot, dusty and dry summer days have vanished for a bit in this steady, rainy drizzle.  I see bright green plants washed from the dirt and stress of the weeks of extreme heat.  It's like they are lifting their heads to drink in the nourishment.  I see insects moving a little faster among the leaves.

The colors in my yard are more vibrant and alive against the backdrop of fresh green. I love rainy days. Yet my heart goes out to those digging through the ruins of their homes and belongings that have been swept away forever in destructive flood waters.  I have worked along side friends in the past, as well as in our own home, in flood recovery.  It is messy, smelly and at times deadly.  Rain is, however, necessary.  Anything in extreme can be extremely damaging.  Today I am thankful for a gentle rain, and I pray for those that have had too much.

As I look outside and see my yard coming back from dry, dead brown to fresh bright green I think about how God does that for my soul.  I can be dead and dry inside and He waters my heart when I open myself up for that nourishment.  When things seem hopeless and overwhelming a renewal comes through prayer, Scripture, tears and the food of fellowship.  I met new people this week, with a passion for helping those in need.  I'm on track to start a job in late fall that is all about helping women in the darkest and driest times of their lives.  In learning about this ministry my own soul is being refreshed.  I can't wait to see what God does as things unfold the next few months. I have started to look outside of my own situation, that often seemed to be stuck, and I'm reminded that I am so blessed and God has a plan for my life. As days go on I will share more about this new path in my life.  For now I just want to share that when things seem like they are stagnant, or your visions and dreams will never go forward, a refreshing rain will come.  Often it rolls in when least expected, and from a direction totally opposite of what you might expect.  Keep watching, keep praying, and keep looking to God.

Revelation 7:15-17 "That is why they stand in front of God's throne and serve him day and night in his Temple. And he who sits on the throne will give them shelter. They will never again be hungry or thirsty; they will never be scorched by the heat of the sun. For the Lamb on the throne will be their Shepherd. He will lead them to springs of life-giving water. And God will wipe every tear from their eyes".

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

He knows you!

Last week I was attending a conference for the direct sales company that I work for.  It was a great time of learning, meeting new people and reconnecting with dear friends.  What made it even better was that the conference was held at Disney World. Say what you will about the mega giant enterprise, there are just some things about Disney that you can't deny.  

I love to watch people!  From elderly in wheelchairs to exhausted babies in strollers and everything in between, for just a little while we all were little children taken in by the wonder of Disney. In my observation the ones that are older, the baby boomers, are the most wonder-filled.  We remember sitting in front of a scratchy TV screen and seeing that castle with Tinkerbell sprinkling pixie dust - simply magical.  When I stood in front of Cinderella's castle on that first night there, I was instantly taken back to childhood, eating popcorn that my Dad made on  a Sunday night (with lots of butter!), and I remembered marching down Main St. USA in Disneyland with my high school band in the Mickey Mouse parade in the spring of 1975. I remembered visiting that very place, Disney World, with my husband and 12 year old daughter in the summer of 2000 and they laughed at me because I cried when I got there ~ there is just something about Disney.  Yes, the little girls and boys were excited to be dressed as princesses or pirates, but they are used to extravagant parties and events.  At least for me, that first trip to Disneyland when I was a child was something so different and so magical that nothing compares to it.  I didn't spend a lot of money on souvenirs or trinkets on this trip, I simply enjoyed the experience that you really can't grasp unless you are there. I saw very little fighting (only one REALLY rude man berating his young sons) - for the most part people are a little nicer, smiling a little more and enjoying the break in a fantasy land while our world is in chaos.

There was one thing that is a little 'troubling'.  Though it was fantastic to have my bags retrieved from the airport and delivered right to my room, and I could attend workshops in the hotel and pay for my meals and purchases with my Magic Band, and even planning which rides to go on, all of it was convenient and easy.  Then my roomie/friend and I were having our "Magic Kingdom" night and of course had to ride It's a Small World (a favorite from childhood).  We didn't have to use our Magic Band to enter that ride, but it was there on our wrists.  Imagine our surprise as we are floating past the last screen in the ride and we saw this: 

our names - and "Goodbye"......... so Disney was tracking us!  Yes, we knew that but when you see it on a ride it just gives you a little pause.  I heard children behind us "there are our names!"  It's nice to be recognized, but troubling to know the extent in our world that we can be watched.  My anxiety over that didn't last long, I just accepted that Disney was using technology to make it easier for us to get around and easier for them to make money. Overall my trip to conference and Disney World was truly magical.

It can be troubling to learn that you are being watched and every move is recorded. I personally have come to accept that is the world we live in.  So I enjoyed my trip back in time, I enjoyed the entire experience and I pushed the anxiety down and just allowed myself to be pampered, taken care of and experience the wonder of Disney surrounded by thousands of people doing the same thing.  To see the complete and utter wonder in a little girl's face (or a big girl) as she saw a princess walk by is priceless, and I can't wait to take my granddaughters and experience that with them.  It will be an investment, it will be a sacrifice, but it will be something they never forget.

I don't mind being 'watched' because I belong to a God that watches over me all of the time. He knows me more intimately that any Disney Magic Band.  He knows what makes me anxious and He gives me comfort in those times.  I still have to call on Him, but when I do He is there. All of the troubling things we face in our world today can drag us down if we let them.  I choose to let the real magic, my God and Jesus,  guide me and encourage me.  I heard a story this last week of a young woman who couldn't afford to buy cheese for her family, all she wanted to do with her direct sales business was make enough money to buy a nice block of cheese.  She is doing that and more.  I also met women that are changing their own lives through hard work in an often brutal career.  Direct sales is misunderstood and often berated.  I experienced a  week of magic, tears and connecting with real women who, like me, work hard and love what we do.  That we got to sprinkle in a little pixie dust was just an added bonus!

Psalm 139:1-6 O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I'm far away. You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. You know what I'm going to say even before I say it, Lord. You go before me and follow me.  You place your hand of blessing  on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand.  NLT

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Your hidden message

About a year and a half ago I participated in a women's retreat where I received this coffee mug as a gift.  I love this particular mug and I use it a lot.  It holds a nice amount of coffee or soup and the handle is comfortable to hold. When I first got the mug it had a nice script on the front, just one word - Faith.  I noticed that pretty quickly that word faded, mostly because I wash this mug in the dishwasher and the letters pretty quickly disappeared.

This morning I reached for my favorite mug, filled it with nice bold coffee and as I set it down next to me the light shone on the front in a certain way - the word is still there!  The paint or decal that first was on top of the ceramic is gone, but there is a remnant of Faith still behind.

I am amazed that for the last year I have regularly used this mug and didn't notice that the faint remains of Faith are still there.  I often thought about it when I would reach for the mug, remembering the retreat where I received it, and how much I loved that word Faith.  I would also think about how our faith is so often hidden.  I was sad that the word was gone from my mug, but I knew inside of me that my faith is still there.  

There are many definitions of faith in my 1828 Webster's Dictionary.  I particularly love the theological and evangelical definitions:  Simple belief of the scriptures, of the being and perfections of God, and of the existence, character and doctrines of Christ...........the firm belief of God's testimony, and of the truth of the gospel, which influences the will, and leads to an entire reliance on Christ for salvation.

My faith is kind of like my favorite mug - at times (like when my mug was new) my faith is right out there for all to see.  It is bold, evident and encouraging to others.  Yet honestly, it is more like my mug now - my faith is always there, it is etched into the person that I am.  But is it visible for all to see?  Not as much as it should be!  I know it's there, and when the Light shines just exactly right my faith is easy for others to see.  I have held this mug up this morning to the light several times so that I can see that word again.  It reminds me to constantly nourish my soul with God's word and prayer - to allow the Light of Jesus  to shine in my life so that my faith is more visible for others to see.

What hidden message is etched deeply in you?

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


I love bubbles.  I love playing with bubbles with my grand daughters, the laughter and giggles are contagious!  I love bubble baths, sinking into that warmth and comfort reminds me of childhood  baths but also the ultimate in self pampering after a long stressful day. I also love bubbles in champagne!  LOL

Sometimes I would like to live in a bubble.  Seeing all that is going on around me but shielded from it and just drifting along in peace and quiet.  Yet bubbles are fragile and something always comes along and...... POP!

I have known many people that seem to live in bubbles, floating along and giving the impression that all is well and that they are protected from the dangers of the world.  It just takes one tiny disturbance and that bubble explodes and they are so devastated.  Living with the belief that nothing can touch you, or that you are protected simply because God is in your life or because you have lots of money, or you have a great education, or ________________ the list could go on and on, we simply haven't had our bubble pop. Many people around you are experiencing extreme challenges in their lives, yet you may never know it because they have surrounded themselves with that protective bubble.  In most cases that bubble does burst at some point, and we are so shocked by it.  It is often after a tragic event, diagnosis, or change in circumstances that we learn about the real struggles that our loved ones are dealing with every day.  

Bubbles are transparent, so I challenge you today to look outside of your bubble and observe those around you.  What bubble are they drifting along in? We know the saying "I don't want to burst your bubble" but maybe that is just what needs to happen sometimes. The shiny, fragile edge needs to be punctured and the gentle rain of its remnants must fall to the ground in order for us to get close enough to care for others.  They may not want that bubble violated, and you may not want to venture outside of yours - but maybe, just maybe, there are better things waiting for you outside of that bubble!

I have extra assurance that helps me in and out of my bubble.  "In the world you will have tribulations; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world".  John 16:33

So as we drift through these days of violence, illness, extreme prejudice and hurt keep looking to God.  We aren't promised to be without adversity but we are promised that we have One who walks through it with us.  By stepping out of your bubble, perhaps you can be Jesus to someone today.

Lent - What does it mean for me?

  It seems like I just finished writing the Christmas posts, and now we are on Ash Wednesday. "Isn't that only for Catholics?"...