Tuesday, August 2, 2016


I love bubbles.  I love playing with bubbles with my grand daughters, the laughter and giggles are contagious!  I love bubble baths, sinking into that warmth and comfort reminds me of childhood  baths but also the ultimate in self pampering after a long stressful day. I also love bubbles in champagne!  LOL

Sometimes I would like to live in a bubble.  Seeing all that is going on around me but shielded from it and just drifting along in peace and quiet.  Yet bubbles are fragile and something always comes along and...... POP!

I have known many people that seem to live in bubbles, floating along and giving the impression that all is well and that they are protected from the dangers of the world.  It just takes one tiny disturbance and that bubble explodes and they are so devastated.  Living with the belief that nothing can touch you, or that you are protected simply because God is in your life or because you have lots of money, or you have a great education, or ________________ the list could go on and on, we simply haven't had our bubble pop. Many people around you are experiencing extreme challenges in their lives, yet you may never know it because they have surrounded themselves with that protective bubble.  In most cases that bubble does burst at some point, and we are so shocked by it.  It is often after a tragic event, diagnosis, or change in circumstances that we learn about the real struggles that our loved ones are dealing with every day.  

Bubbles are transparent, so I challenge you today to look outside of your bubble and observe those around you.  What bubble are they drifting along in? We know the saying "I don't want to burst your bubble" but maybe that is just what needs to happen sometimes. The shiny, fragile edge needs to be punctured and the gentle rain of its remnants must fall to the ground in order for us to get close enough to care for others.  They may not want that bubble violated, and you may not want to venture outside of yours - but maybe, just maybe, there are better things waiting for you outside of that bubble!

I have extra assurance that helps me in and out of my bubble.  "In the world you will have tribulations; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world".  John 16:33

So as we drift through these days of violence, illness, extreme prejudice and hurt keep looking to God.  We aren't promised to be without adversity but we are promised that we have One who walks through it with us.  By stepping out of your bubble, perhaps you can be Jesus to someone today.

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