Saturday, August 20, 2016


At any given moment there is weather variance around the world.  Some are recovering from devastating floods, others are battling raging wildfires and would welcome a drenching rain.  Today in central Texas it is raining.  Some are grumbling, as it has been rainy and gloomy for most of the week.  As children get ready to go back to school many families had planned to enjoy outdoor activities but the muddy, rainy conditions may hamper those plans. I look out my window and see a glorious, cloudy, rainy day.  The hot, dusty and dry summer days have vanished for a bit in this steady, rainy drizzle.  I see bright green plants washed from the dirt and stress of the weeks of extreme heat.  It's like they are lifting their heads to drink in the nourishment.  I see insects moving a little faster among the leaves.

The colors in my yard are more vibrant and alive against the backdrop of fresh green. I love rainy days. Yet my heart goes out to those digging through the ruins of their homes and belongings that have been swept away forever in destructive flood waters.  I have worked along side friends in the past, as well as in our own home, in flood recovery.  It is messy, smelly and at times deadly.  Rain is, however, necessary.  Anything in extreme can be extremely damaging.  Today I am thankful for a gentle rain, and I pray for those that have had too much.

As I look outside and see my yard coming back from dry, dead brown to fresh bright green I think about how God does that for my soul.  I can be dead and dry inside and He waters my heart when I open myself up for that nourishment.  When things seem hopeless and overwhelming a renewal comes through prayer, Scripture, tears and the food of fellowship.  I met new people this week, with a passion for helping those in need.  I'm on track to start a job in late fall that is all about helping women in the darkest and driest times of their lives.  In learning about this ministry my own soul is being refreshed.  I can't wait to see what God does as things unfold the next few months. I have started to look outside of my own situation, that often seemed to be stuck, and I'm reminded that I am so blessed and God has a plan for my life. As days go on I will share more about this new path in my life.  For now I just want to share that when things seem like they are stagnant, or your visions and dreams will never go forward, a refreshing rain will come.  Often it rolls in when least expected, and from a direction totally opposite of what you might expect.  Keep watching, keep praying, and keep looking to God.

Revelation 7:15-17 "That is why they stand in front of God's throne and serve him day and night in his Temple. And he who sits on the throne will give them shelter. They will never again be hungry or thirsty; they will never be scorched by the heat of the sun. For the Lamb on the throne will be their Shepherd. He will lead them to springs of life-giving water. And God will wipe every tear from their eyes".

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