Thursday, September 27, 2018

It's not what you think - or is it?

Journeys are interesting! I have been reflecting on my life over the last year or so.  Actually, let's go back 45 years!  About that time I started my first outside the home paying job at the age of 16.  I worked at Sprouse Reitz five and dime store in my hometown of Jackson, CA.  That great store had been a favorite of mine when I was younger, located on Main St., I would walk there to get penny candy when I was spending time at my Dad's tire shop.  I knew I wanted to work there when I was old enough. At Sprouse Reitz I learned to measure fabric yardage through a runner to calculate the correct amount.  (I had been sewing since I was 9, so I knew the importance of a straight cut on the grain). 

I learned how to cut roller window blinds, measure out bulk candy, take inventory and walk those wooden floors checking that things had been put back in place properly.  I worked at that store all through high school summers and weekends, and even continued for a year after that as I attended trade school I still came home on weekends to put in time at the store. 

One of my favorite things was working the register, it looked much like this one:

I remember the wooden drawer, the 'ding' that the it would make when opening and of course how to properly count back change.  No computers in those days! My work life has been quite the winding road over these last 45 years. I pursued so many things, and all so different. Some would look at me and say "she has no career, she chases so many different things".  Here I am again, just starting a new job at the age of 61.  What I came to accept is that bills need to be paid! Things I thought I would do, or that I am trained to do don't always come together when living in a small town with limited opportunities.  Those that know me also know my 'loves' : ministering to people,  helping others, spending time with my family (especially the grand girls!) , knitting and of course Christmas. Yet who would have ever thought that all these years later, after my first job in retail, that I would  again be  working a cash register in a Christmas Store! 

As I worked a shift yesterday I realized many things.  When you work in a retail position it is all about helping people.  When it is in a Christmas Store (that also has wonderful holiday items for year round, gift items, collectibles and so much more) people just seem to be happy when they enter. Whether they are purchasing an extravagant hand made ornament, or a $2 trinket the customer loves a personal touch.  When I count back their change correctly or call them by name after reading their credit card, the personal touch often brings a  larger smile to their face.  Does my degree in administration, my certification as a Life Coach or my years of leadership schools and training make me over qualified to work a cash register or stock merchandise shelves?  No, quite the opposite!  All of my years at various professional endeavors has given me a wealth of information about people.  Do I still dream of my home business being successful so that I can travel and do some more things on my bucket list? Of course, but my purpose right now is being fulfilled.  I may not be seeing my granddaughters quite as often, or my house may not be as orderly as it was, but I can go to sleep at night knowing I'm working, I'm contributing, and perhaps making someone's day a little brighter when they have walked in to a store to purchase a fun item. 

In looking back I have worked at 4 or 5 different retail jobs scattered between other jobs of teaching, leading, mentoring and more. It's really all about the people. 

My favorite passage in Scripture is from Jeremiah. You will see this verse in many places, as people separate it out as a "life verse".   It has popped up in my life in many places, the most recent was when working with the Christian Women's Job Corps as the focus verse.

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope" NLT  

I used to think of that verse and say "see, God doesn't want me to be where I am - He wants me to have what I want!"  Well, a dear friend in Bible study many years ago commented on that when I said it was my favorite verse.  At the time I lived in a town that  I really hated,  I actually lived there for 25 years.  Looking back some of my best, and closest, friends are those I met in that town.  I just knew I didn't belong there.  This friend said to me "read the whole passage!"  So I did, and have many times since then.  This verse is part of a long letter to the people who were exiled in Babylon.  His prophetic words to them? Prosper where you are.  Build homes, plant gardens, marry, have children and more. In other words live where you are.  Most importantly - pray.  All these years later, I never forgot that word from my friend Cathy.  Though I strongly believe that God wants the best for each of us, He also wants us to be fully present where we are, and recognize the blessings in our lives.

So here I am, 61 years old, working in a 'lowly' retail position again and loving it. Yesterday I met people from 8 or 10 different states, I talked to a man who lives just a few miles from my home town in California and above all I made people smile and they did the same in return. 

I'm thankful that I can still work and I trust that God has blessings for me in it.  You may be doing something you don't think is right for you, take a harder look - there is a blessing in there for you to find. 

Besides, who better than me to work in a Christmas Store!? (From the gal who keeps a countdown on her phone year round!)

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