Thursday, August 6, 2015

The land down under......under what?

This has been a whirlwind summer!  First it started out pretty mild, by Texas standards. June temps stayed in the 80's for the most part and we even had some rain.  July saw me jetting off to a national conference for my work, then on to the cool and beautiful mountains in California/Nevada.  Some might have nightmares or anxiety about spending 3 days in a large cabin with 18 former classmates from 40 year ago, but I can say it was a blast!  We reminisced, we ate (too much junk food) and we laughed a lot.  Now it's back to the real Texas summer, endless 100 degree days, dried up countryside and just blah.  I really do not like summer.

Since I do my work from home, and almost entirely online, I have been pondering all of this social media stuff.  The company I work for, Jamberry Nails, is about to launch our business in Australia and New Zealand.  Such an exciting time to think I might actually have new team members in one of those countries!  When it was first announced about the expansion I was kind of down, realizing that I have no personal contacts there and that there would be no way to 'build' in a country so far away where I know no one. Those of us in direct sales often have to be creative.  On a little side note, did you know that direct sales is one of THE leading home based businesses in the country, especially for women?  No it isn't a pyramid, no it isn't a scheme.  Those of us in recognized Direct Selling organizations sell a quality product and it is sent directly to you, no brick and mortar, no middle man.I pride myself on excellent customer service.   Jamberry Nails are made in the USA and our warehouses and distribution are all in the USA. But enough about that.... back to social media.

I often don't sleep well so sometimes I'm playing games on my electronics or reading.  One middle of the night session I was updating my business posts and sent a new message targeting Aussie land.  I was imagining cooler weather (they are about to enter fall and winter), I was picturing the beautiful and varied countryside in that continent....I was dreaming. So I just made a post about that.  I also started telling everyone I know about the ground floor opportunity coming to Australia and New Zealand.  Truly a once in a lifetime chance to build a home business like no other, for very little money!  (Imagine the very first Mary Kay or Avon consultants in a country, what do you think they are doing now?) 

I sometimes long for the days of simplicity, and I'm still very much simplifying my home and possessions.  I long for the quiet home in the mountains with very little "stuff".  But my business is the way I will achieve that.  Social media is ingrained in our life style and I can tell you I now have conversations and budding relationships with some women 'down under', I have CONTACTS!  I also share with my current customers and have received other leads in that way.  Do I shout it from the streets? No.  I simply share how very much this business has changed my life and I truly believe it is going to be the vehicle to continue to change our lives for the better.  Has it been easy? Not always.  When I was at conference I listened intently to the ladies that are at the top of the business, the successful ones.  The common thread is they didn't give up.  They trudged through the months that were slow, they kept believing in themselves and their product.  So as I keep sharing everything I love about my job, I keep on.  I believe.

Before I attended conference I only knew these 2 women through our online team page. We all (along with one other) agreed to room together.  It was kind of like going to camp, but for grown ups in a luxury hotel!  We worked out our routines, which can be interesting for adult women! We started with our common love for the company and we enjoyed some fun times together like this pajama party that the company had for us.  We are still little girls inside. We started that conference simply as online acquaintances and ended it as life long friends.

I'm going "down under".  I don't know exactly how I will get there, I just keep throwing my line in the water and doing posts like this.  Social media is helping me connect with like minded women around the world.  To better ourselves, to build self confidence, to believe in ourselves and to have fun! 

Do you know someone in Australia or New Zealand?  A stay at home mom perhaps, or someone later in life, like me, that needs a boost or a purpose for the next stage in life? Someone struggling and wondering how to make ends meet? Jamberry may be the thing they are looking for.  A young company, but established enough to be here to stay.  Going places, and fulfilling dreams.  Refer me!!  Or join me ;-)

A BIG PS:  Last summer when I joined Jamberry I was stressing over the $99 investment to get started.  This summer I paid for that conference and California trip with my Jamberry income.  What a difference a year made!!   to learn more about  the Australia opportunity (or message me!) New Zealand

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