Saturday, February 25, 2017

Crrryyyyinggggg..... over you (Channeling Roy Orbison)

I'm going to show my age here, how many of you know Roy Orbison?  His song "Crying" is running rampant in my head!  I'm going to have to play some upbeat music today to replace it.  As I was wondering what started this haunting lyric to get stuck here in my gray matter I know exactly what started it.  My hubby and I have been working through our recorded shows on the DVR the last couple of evenings and two of my favorite shows (This Is Us and Nashville) both had major characters die.  Why do I get so attached to fictional characters? I know you are thinking it, you do it too!  The writers of these shows are doing a great job because they get us to feel.  There is so much anger, division, disagreement and hatred in our world right now (always is actually, we just see it more because of social media) that when I turn on these shows it is a way to experience love, connection and faith in relationships.  

What makes you cry?  Perhaps you are so hardened that you don't.  I don't like to cry, it isn't pretty!  Yet it can literally be so cleansing.  To get in touch with feelings that get pushed down so far, to let them bubble up, pool in the corners of our eyes and then spill down our cheeks...... just let it flow.   Sometimes I hold in feelings from my personal life so tightly that when I watch a television show, listen to a song, or read a touching story the emotions just can't be held in any longer.  

I would be worried if I didn't cry.  I'm glad that these stories touch my heart.  So many people are so hardened that the feels don't get through any more.  I wonder how I can help them. How can I reach that hurting place in a heart that allows them to give in to the pain, the hurt and the disappointment?  Listen.  Watch for small signs of reaching out.   It is so easy to get bogged down in the daily disappointments, to feel like there is no hope that you will be successful, get out of debt, fall in love, or just have a pain free day.  Start noticing those around you, or look deeply in the mirror.  Maybe you just need a good cry!

A good friend of mine, a dear lady that I met in one of my camping groups, is battling a terminal illness.  I haven't seen her in awhile, but I follow her days on social media.  She is living!  She has been given a death sentence (we all have one, hers is just more imminent) and yet she is experiencing all of the feels each day.  She still goes camping, allowing others to help her and care for her when she was one of the most independent and strong women in the group.  What must that take to allow others to love and care for her? She notices small gifts in each day, shouldn't we all?

This jumbled entry today is really about feeling.  I hope you go about your day today and FEEL what you encounter.  If some tears sneak down your cheeks, let them wash you clean.  Look a little closer at those around you and be ready to listen, or maybe you are the one that needs a listening ear........... find one.

Psalms 56:8 You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.  NLT

There is One who feels your tears.

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