Wednesday, July 26, 2017

How many more?

I have been 60 for 140 days.  When I was young I thought 60 was old.  Things like orthopedic shoes, flowery house dresses, gray hair in a bun (or teased) were what my life would be like. (No offense intended if that is what 60 is for you). Instead I feel better than I have in many years, I am excited about what lies ahead and how I can bring all of the things I've learned along on new adventures. I wear jeans and t shirts or paisley dresses, turquoise jewelry and I wear my gray hair long. Nothing like what I imagined.  

I'm very thankful that my expectations of being 'older' were all wrong. I have so much life left to live! Over the last few months I have done lots of reflecting and remembering. My Dad died at age 58 - way too young when cancer won. My Mom died at age 87 and lived active and full until debilitated by late onset Parkinson's - yet well into her 70's she was working, busy and loving life. I have had a family member and friends that were dear to me die over the last few weeks and I grieve. All of this just makes me realize that I will continue to try new things, work on new projects and share all of it with others as long as I am able.

None of us know how many days we have left. Why do we keep waiting to make a change? If you are young and reading this don't ignore that prompting to take a chance!  If you are midway through your life and wondering 'is this all there is' take a chance! If you are 60 (or older!) and like me ~ ready to keep learning, living and enjoying just do it. 

Having an entrepreneurial heart since I was a young girl always has me looking. Our lives (and social media feeds) are filled with 'get rich quick', 'this is it', 'join my team' - and I've been down those roads too. I learned from all of it. At times I'm sad that it all didn't come together until I was 60. Yet I am ready now - and that makes it much sweeter! 

I prayed this prayer for years: "Lord, show me the way you would have me go. Help me be the best me, and to help others along the way. Help me be a good steward of all that You have given to me". I worked in ministry jobs, weight loss help, service, life coaching and more. Through all of it I learned. When I was in a low spot on January 9th of this year, wondering how I could make things work and how the next phase of life would be, I took one more chance. I'm so thankful that I answered yes to a question, and that I took that chance. All that I have done has led to this. Is this YOUR sign? Have you been praying and searching? I worked long and hard to come up with my own mission statement, and this is it:

To enhance the lives of those I touch by helping them reach their goals in health, wellness and financial freedom, no matter their age.

Jobs fail, friends get ill and die, family members struggle but contrast that with new lives beginning with marriage, babies being born, friends getting well, health being improved and businesses flourishing. All of it is life. I'm not guaranteed that life will look like I imagine. So far 60 is WAY better than I thought it would be! 

I don't know how many more days, or years, I have. So I will keep asking, I will keep sharing and I will keep helping others find the answer that I found. No matter your age - it's worth it! Last month I visited with my only living aunt. She is 95 and though frail in body her mind and wit are sharp and alert. She told stories of my mom that I had never heard, we laughed, cried a little and I realized I want to still be telling stories and sharing life when I am 95 and beyond. God willing, and with the changes I've made, I will!

Here's your sign.........

Proverbs 23:18 There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. NIV

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