Thursday, July 13, 2017

Long time - still here!

Life seems to roll by, pretty quickly lately! Midway through the summer and so many things pulling at me. I'm on a mission lately to help people. I talk to so many people that are facing huge mountains: debt, illness, lack of time to enjoy life and so much more. Simple changes have helped me tackle some of these mountains. Now I'm using what I have learned, and continue to learn, to help others. 

I look at my Facebook feed and see so many posts about working from home and making lots of money.  I ran on that treadmill for a lot of years (20+). I still love the direct selling industry - but the hard truth is that very few people actually get to the top of that business model. Yes, it is possible, but not for the masses. (Sorry to be the one to tell you). 

I also love the freedom of not being tied to a 9-5 job.  I do work, we have to work to make money!  I just don't work at a conventional job, with hours set by someone else. Why do so many of us go to school for many years, build huge amounts of debt, then spend a lifetime working to maybe pay it off and maybe enjoy life along the way? I'm now 60 years old and just figuring things out, that I can work at something that really helps people, and I can enjoy my life while I do it. I hope I have many years to continue ~ since I wasted so many on various trails and trials. I guess what is really in my heart today that I needed to get out is there is a way! 

If you have looked at ways to make extra money but just can't figure it out - I can help.
If you are tired - and just want to do something you love, that helps people - I can help.
If you have more bills than income - I can help.
If you are just looking to make your home, life and environment healthier - I can help.
If you love your job, have everything you need/want, have all the time you want to do things you love then I bet you know someone who doesn't - I can help them!

This is what you have prayed for!   I don't state that lightly.  I prayed for a way to improve our life and for mine to have purpose.  If you have prayed that same prayer, I want to share.

Having this 'job' allows me to also work for a non-profit agency that really helps people too. Without my business I would be stuck on the treadmill of going no where. 

The vision that God gives us is not some unattainable castle in the sky, but a vision of what God wants you to be down here. Allow the Potter to put you on His wheel and whirl you around as He desires. Then as sure as God is God and you are you, you will turn out as an exact likeness of the vision. But don't lose heart in the process. If you have ever had a vision from God, you may try as you will to be satisfied on a lower level, but God will never allow it.  Oswald Chambers

Young and just getting started?  Middle aged and weary? Older (like me) and still dreaming.... it matters not what stage you are, what matters is that you say yes to the vision.

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