Thursday, September 8, 2016

What is your barrier?

I'm sad to admit that I spent 25+ years in a heavily bilingual town on the Texas/Mexico border and I didn't take the time or make the effort to learn Spanish.  I can understand a few words but that is about it.  I took 2 years of French in high school, I tried to learn a bit of German when we first moved to our current town, but I have not made the effort to learn a second language.  I admire people that can converse in multiple languages and I think I must add that to my 'bucket of life' list of things to do.  I remember a young girl that is the granddaughter of a dear friend of mine, she visited and attended school with my daughter when they were in second grade.  At that young age she could already speak SEVEN languages!  Surely this nearly 60 year old can learn 1 more!?

This is in the front of my mind right now because in my direct sales business we are about to launch in Mexico.  This is such an exciting thing and to be part of bringing a ground floor opportunity to the women there is something I'm thrilled to be part of.  I remember my excitement when I started with this business over 2 years ago (and I still love it) but to be part of introducing brand new products and opportunities in another country is also lots of fun.  Communicating with those women?  HARD!

I have been relying on a translate program to send my messages and answer questions about the business opportunity.  I also read posts and conversations that others are having and I always hit the 'see translation' button.  It is pretty comical how some of the translations are worded.  That just made me realize that when we say things, and then write them in a translation program, that sometimes the context or words just don't translate properly in another language. 

This also got me thinking that even when we speak the same language as someone we are often misunderstood.  We can say something that is intended in one way and it is received in a totally different manner than we had hoped to express. This has happened to me more times than I can count!  My words are blurted out and suddenly I have offended, hurt or damaged a relationship simply because of misunderstanding.  I'm learning a lot in this process of sharing my business with those who speak a different language.  I'm also finding that by using and reading the translation program that I might just actually learn how to speak Spanish (un poco).

Take some time today to listen.  Take in all of the circumstances around you and ponder whether you are hearing and understanding things the way they are intended.  Pause a little longer and think before you speak, making sure you are expressing yourself in the manner in which you desire to be understood.  We can all learn new things - observing and listening are the first steps to breaking barriers.  

Espero que tengas un día fabuloso!

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