Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Blurred Vision

January is goal and vision setting time for many people.  I have mentioned before that I tend to set goals all throughout the year - it's just how I operate!  Weekly goals, monthly goals sometimes I even break it down into daily/hourly.  I also am very familiar with the blurring that begins fairly quickly.  Here we are on day 17 of this year and I'll bet someone reading this blog has already given up on a resolution or intention that you were ultra enthused about just a couple of weeks ago. It's like looking down this fence - what was very clear just a few weeks ago, when it was right in front of you, now looks distorted and unclear. Does the fence just end? Does it take a turn, is it broken?  So many unknowns because it is blurred.

I approached my vision a little differently this year. I still set out long term goals for myself, but I also was very intentional about some other things  Being a person of faith prayer is essential for me.  In my prayers I started getting very specific. Not in a wish list sort of way, but in  surrender (my word for the year).  To acknowledge that there is a larger force at work than just me and my efforts has been extremely freeing.  By grasping that spirit of surrender it has freed me to go after what I want and need in order to accomplish my goals.  I've already had to adjust some things, but that goes along with goal setting.  Evaluating, assessing and adjusting. 

When I look further out in the year the vision is still a bit blurred.  I can see the fence, but I can't tell exactly what its condition is way far out.  As I walk along the fence close to me I see whether the boards are sturdy, if there are weak spots or parts needing repair.  Rather than just walk on by, I address those things as I encounter them.  As I walk along I can see a little bit ahead as things come in to focus.  Not too far along there is a gate - so I have to decide whether to walk through that gate and discover what is on the other side of the fence or do I keep walking?  Perhaps I will discover it is only a perimeter fence and I can't get to where I really want to go unless I do go through that gate.  Or perhaps the fence ends - and the gate is the only way to go forward.  Unless we keep walking, keep evaluating and make needed repairs along the way our vision will stay blurred.  We have to be aware of all the details around us instead of just blindly walking along and letting the 'blur' overtake us.

Whether in spiritual decisions, business decisions or simply personal ones set a vision for yourself.  Focus on what is in front of you and deal with each thing as it comes - still looking far ahead, but keeping your eyes fixed firmly on what is in focus.  Clarity and purpose in all you do!

1 Corinthians 13:12 Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.  NLT

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