Monday, November 28, 2022

Advent 2022 - Ponder WHY?

 Perhaps you have heard the story of the young woman who always cut the ends off each time she prepared a ham. When asked by her new husband why she did that, her answer was, "That was the way mom did it." This sparked the couple to start asking why. When the woman's mother was asked, she said, "That is how your grandmother did it." Grandma had died years earlier, but the woman asked her grandfather why grandma cut the ends off of the ham.  His answer "So it would fit in the pan."

Often we do things because we learn them by example or simply because our parents said so. As adults, we then don't often stop to ask "why"; we just go along. As we move through this Advent season, part of pondering is asking why. Why do we celebrate Advent? This question prompted me to do a little digging. I grew up and later worked in a protestant church that always celebrated the Advent season. I looked forward each year to the ceremonies and traditions, usually focused on waiting, expectation, and preparation. I never really questioned why we did those things. I simply used the time to focus my prayers on the coming of Christmas, trying my best to put Jesus at the front of the season.

This year I dug a little deeper. I found one fascinating article that pointed out that Advent celebrations in history often had a twin focus, that of the second coming of Christ and the focus on his birth. If you would like to read this author's point of view about Advent, here is the link:

The History of Advent 

There are many instances throughout the day when we can ask "why." When difficulties arise, we may shake our fists at God and say, "Why are you allowing this?" Do a quick search in your Bible app or concordance and discover numerous instances of people asking why.  Answers don't always come; keep asking. Dig deep to learn the why. 

Why do I believe in Jesus? Why do I keep praying for loved ones when they don't seem closer to turning back to God? Why does my faithful, God-loving friend suffer from an ongoing debilitating illness? Why did my friend withdraw from me for no apparent reason? Why do I love baseball? (Sorry, had to throw a lighthearted one in there!) The questions continue, just like a curious toddler discovering the world. 

Today explore some of your "whys." 

Challenge: Take notice today of something you always do and ponder why you do it.

One verse that keeps me focused:

Your promises have been thoroughly tested; that is why I love them so much. Psalm 119:140 NLT

Prayer: Father God, help me today as I ask why. Reveal things to me, and change me in ways that may not be aligned with You. Help me to see why I make the decisions that I do, and help me accept Your will even when I don't know the answer why. Help me trust. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

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