Tuesday, January 3, 2023

12 Days of Christmas - Ponder RENEW

Here we are on the third day of 2023. I have been sitting with my new word for a few days. Renew. 

Here are a few of my scribblings as I decided on this word.

Renew: to renovate, restore to a former state, or a good state after decay, to rebuild. To repair, to revive, to begin again, to transform. I then went on a word search of some of those definitions:

renovate - to make new

restore - to return to what was lost, to bring back

rebuild - to renew

revive - return to life, recover new life, recover from neglect, to raise from depression

transform - to be changed, to change the natural disposition and temper of man from a state of enmity to God and his law into the image of God, conformed to the will of God.

All of these are from the Webster's 1828 Dictionary.  My process of choosing a word is not a simple one! My heart desires all of these things. Renovation, restoration, rebuilding, reviving, and transformation. So I settled on renew.

We renew many things in life. My car registration needs renewal, but first, the inspection. This week I will have an eye appointment, and no doubt my prescription will be renewed. Favorite shows get renewed. In the past, I subscribed to magazines that needed to be renewed; each month, prescriptions needed to be renewed. This year I am looking for something deeper with renew than just the list of things I mentioned above. I desire that transformation and revival that only come from God.

When we moved here about three and a half years ago, when I attended my first ladies' Bible study session at our new church, I was challenged to memorize Scripture. I have half-heartedly done memorization, but this was the first time I jumped in and took on the challenge. As I started that process, I realized I had memorized many more verses than I thought. One of the first that came to mind was this I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11 NLT. One of the first verses I memorized in the fall of 2019 was the verse I will ponder all year regarding renew.

Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2 NLT.

It is a hard challenge to not follow the behavior and customs of the world. For years all I wanted was to 'fit in.' I molded myself into someone that I thought others expected me to be. Can you imagine if Mary had simply followed the behaviors and customs of her world? She instead listened to God and obeyed. She followed His plan for her, as difficult as it was. 

I have become more comfortable with being me. It is still hard sometimes; feeling like I don't fit in. I return to that verse. I want to know what God's will for me is. This year I want to dig deep into being renewed. It is not an easy task to change the way we think. 

These twelve days of Christmas have been a time to reflect and ponder the magnitude of Christmas. Whether you truly believe it or not, Jesus did, in fact, change the world. I have loved ones who question and turn away from the Christian life. God gave us minds to question. We each have to decide for ourselves which path we will follow. The path for me is clear, I will follow Jesus. Mary had to have doubts when she learned what God's path for her was. Pain, ostracism, death, and also extreme joy. God is in it all! I would much rather go through every hardship with God than have comfort without Him. I keep my eyes on eternity rather than the temporary pleasure of this world.

Renewal takes effort and sometimes hard work. 2023 will be a year of that for me. As we ponder through just a few more days of Christmas, may you search deep for what God is saying to you this year.

Challenge: Where do you need renewal in your life? Take time today to examine yourself. Are you more comfortable conforming to the ways of the world, or are you ready to follow God? Do something today that will bring renewal!

Prayer: Lord, help me to change my thinking. Banish the thoughts that drag me down and cause me to be stuck. Put new thoughts and ideas in my mind that are pleasing to You. Transform me in a lasting way. Renovate my life, repair the damaged parts, and rebuild my spirit. Renew a right spirit within me. Thank you, Jesus, for being my guide. Amen.

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