Saturday, December 31, 2022

12 Days of Christmas - Ponder WORDS

Today is the last day of PONDER as my 'word of focus for the year'.  Though I will continue to ponder things through these days of Christmas, I have a new word of focus starting tomorrow. I have loved words for as long as I can remember. I enjoyed playing Scrabble as a child. I fondly remember sitting with friends in church and playing Hangman on the church bulletin. Crossword puzzles, Words with Friends, WordStacks, Wordscapes, and now a daily favorite - Wordle.

Words can annoy me too. Repeated words in speaking (uh, you know). I tend to start counting how often someone will say that word and miss what they are talking about. My husband will use an absolute send-me-over-the-edge word to get a reaction out of me: irregardless.  Just typing that non-word causes my computer to try to correct it. An especially painful memory regarding words is from the fifth grade. I participated in a spelling bee and made it to the finals. The word I was assigned was unnecessary. I spelled it with one s. I don't think I have ever misspelled that word again! 

I'm sure you have all heard the story of the mother teaching her daughter about words as the girl was about to enter middle school. The mother used an example of toothpaste all squeezed out of the tube. The quote from the toothpaste lesson is this: "You are going to have the opportunity to use your words to hurt, demean, slander, and wound others. You will also have the opportunity to use your words to heal, encourage, inspire and love others. You will occasionally make the wrong choice; I can think of three times this week I have used my own words carelessly and caused harm. Just like with this toothpaste, once the words leave your mouth, you can't take them back." 

Getting that paste back in the tube once it is expelled is nearly impossible. So it is with negative words spoken in haste. By simply pausing briefly before speaking, so much damage can be avoided. I have spoken too quickly many times, wishing I could take words back or change them.  The pain and hurt are so difficult to undo when I allow my emotions to take over and follow the impulse to lash out with words. I also hold onto harsh words spoken to me, ruminating on them and letting them fester. Words hold such power. Often when others are using harsh or damaging words against me, the first reaction is to respond in kind. Again, pausing before speaking can make all the difference.

I have spent this week pondering words. Words play a prominent part in my life as I work through my Master's coursework. So much reading and writing! I wanted to choose a word of focus that would stretch, encourage, and cause me to think. Different apps and programs are floating around to help one choose a word of the year. I have used those in the past, but they are easily manipulated. Usually, the end result is to try and get us to buy a product, whether a devotional book, a piece of jewelry, or a knickknack with the word displayed. My process involves a pen, paper, Bible, favorite dictionary, and quiet time. I sit and let words flow into my brain. I start writing down my thoughts as they come, often in scribbling or doodling. When I have a word that seems to keep surfacing, I write it down and then do a dictionary search. I will go deep into definitions and see how they intertwine. I then start searching Scripture for verses that support the words I'm considering. Some years there will be one verse that is a focus along with my word.  Some years, many verses go along with the word. I note them, and as the year progresses, I am amazed at how my word of focus weaves its way into my life in numerous ways. I had rarely thought of the word ponder until I chose it this year. Now I hear it and come across it in the most unexpected ways. Words have a way of settling deep within us.

Mary pondered things in her heart. Words were spoken over her. I'm sure she held on to these words "You will conceive and give birth to a son; you will name him Jesus." Words that would change her life and ours.  How she must have agonized over these words as Jesus died "Dear woman, here is your son," And he said to his disciple, "Here is your mother"...... words.

Challenge: As we finish out 2022, ponder your words. Do you use them to build up, encourage and appreciate others? Be very aware of your words in all that you do. Make an effort today to share a word of hope with someone you meet. Written words are especially meaningful. To hold a note in my hand and know that someone took the time to write to me is a great treasure. Write some words today!

Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. And do not bring sorrow to God's Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God, through Christ, has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:29-32 NLT.

My word for 2023 is RENEW. We will ponder that tomorrow 💖

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