Monday, June 29, 2015

A little "comfort" from Aunt Bonnie

I have many 'comfort foods' in my recipe box and in my head.  I spent many years very overweight after being a slim/trim teenager.  Dealing with excessive weight was a drain in many ways, and like many my guilt, disgust, sadness over my physical condition led to more eating.  I lost over 63 lbs 6 years ago, and I now, as I near age 60, have control over my food instead of food having control over me.  I still LOVE to eat, cook and thoroughly enjoy comfort foods.  After an extremely stressful weekend today I'm wanting something that takes me back to a pleasant place.  My Aunt Bonnie, who was also my godmother, was an excellent cook.  I lived with her for awhile when I relocated to a new town, and I tucked away many of her recipes.  While she and my Mom had grown up as sisters on the same small Iowa farm, having lived in different areas as adults they had different recipes to share.

Tomorrow, June 30, would have been my Aunt Bonnie's birthday.  So when I went through my recipe box I found this old copy of a recipe from her and it is just what I need tonight for our dinner.  As I chop, saute and then enjoy I will think of times with my Aunt Bonnie and the things she shared with me.  I will think of a time when life was simpler.  Looking back I know my parents and extended family struggled with lots of things that as a child I really never knew.  I strive to provide that type of environment for my grandchildren.  Sometimes it is hard to not have the world crash in, perhaps someday they will remember 'comfort' from me like I do from my Aunt Bonnie.

Find a little comfort today - whether it be in a favorite recipe from your past or connecting with someone that you haven't talked to in a long time.  There is enough turmoil in our daily lives, try to find some peace today, and maybe try my Aunt Bonnie's recipe!

Italian Joes  Serves 4

1 lb. hamburger meat, browned (use whatever fat content you like)
 4 oz of canned sliced mushrooms
1/4 cup finely chopped green pepper
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1/4 tsp garlic powder
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 tsp basil
1/2 tsp oregano

Stir all together, remove from heat and sprinkle 2 Tblsp of flour evenly over the meat.
Return to heat and stir in:
1/2 cup evaporated milk
1  8 oz can tomato sauce

Simmer until thick, about 30 minutes.
Spoon onto split hamburger buns, then sprinkle with mozzarella cheese.  Broil until cheese melts!  Enjoy ;-)

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