Monday, June 8, 2015

Bits and Pieces......Stitches of Life

This old pic hangs in my hallway, I know little about it other than the man is a relative on my mother's side, and the girl may be an aunt.  Even though I don't know the people, I love this picture because of the quilts.  You see, I am a quilter.  I haven't worked on any recently, but I still love them, and whenever I complete a quilt I label it so hopefully future generations will know who and where each quilt was made.  What I wouldn't give to know more about the quilts in this scene!

As we become more and more dependent on electronics and instant access to information I am finding great value in lost arts.  I just took 5 boxes (!) of cookbooks to the thrift store today, I know I can find whatever recipe I want online or in the few favorite cookbooks that I kept.  What I won't part with is this hand written recipe, taped inside of a worn cookbook. My Dad made up this recipe, and it is written in his printing (he never wrote long hand).  To see something written by him, he has been gone for 35 years, it is like I have a part of him still with me.  He used to doodle, and print on things all the time and I miss seeing his print.  I still make this recipe often, for holidays, get togethers with my sister - just anytime, and I always think of Dad when I make it.

So what will I leave behind that will cause fond memories for my child and grandchildren? A house full of collections and furniture that they have no interest in?  Or my journals that have pieces of me written in them, or a quilt that I made especially for them?  I'm finding that the things I have held dear and treasured for so long are just becoming "things".  As I clean, declutter and organize the important things are finding a new spot and I'm making notes about them as I go.  Will anyone else treasure this old photo of a bearded man and some quilts that I have no idea who made them?  Probably not, but I do because it is a connection to my Mom.  I only wish I had asked more questions, and gathered more information when I could. 

What bits and pieces of the past do you have? Have you looked at them lately and pondered what they mean to you?  Rather than amassing vast amounts of knick knacks and decor why not put together some treasured things that mean something, leave a legacy. De-cluttering is becoming so much more.........

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