Monday, June 1, 2015

Desperation led to hope, God is good!

A few months ago I was pondering how in the world I would pay for health insurance.  You see, my husband is retired and on Medicare - I am only 58 and when I lost my group benefits I had been self insuring.  I am self employed, and in really good health.  Even though I am so healthy the cost to me to carry insurance was exorbitant!  When the premium amount went up yet again this year, along with an unmanageable deductible I knew there was no way I could afford even a basic insurance plan that really provided little in the way of 'health care'.  I already went one year with not having coverage, and was hit with a hefty tax fine.  As much as I hated paying that fine, it was still less than one month of a premium.
One day I was sharing about the state of our 'affordable health care ' on Facebook - and a friend introduced me to Samaritan Ministries.  Samaritan Ministries is a Christian Healthcare Sharing Ministry.  I really started researching and found that it was the answer for me.  There are some guidelines to follow, like agreeing with their Statement of Faith (which I do), a degree of accountability from your pastor (I always think accountability is good!) and some basic lifestyle and life belief guidelines which are right in line with mine.  It was an easy decision for me.  But you know what I love the most?  The low cost is great, the easing of stress and worrying about being fined by our government (it is exempt from IRS fines and monitoring) and knowing I have this option all played into my final decision, but the very best part is I am sharing with a large group of other believers in our health care costs.  Not only do I send my monthly portion directly to another member for their health care costs (that have been reviewed and published by Samaritan Ministries), I also am praying for them, sending notes of encouragement and when and if the time comes when I am in need of support for medical expenses I will receive the same in return.  To me, that is exactly how the Body of Christ should function.  Though I didn't need to submit a request for money help, I already received a discount from one of my medical providers because I am now "self pay".  No forms to file, no 'waiting for insurance clearance' - just paying for a service and receiving care from who I want and should the need arise I know I have a network of others that will pray for me and help me with monetary support. That gave me hope.
There are so many other things I love about this ministry: they have been around a long time (founded in 1994)and a proven success rate, with over 46,000 member households. They send a prayer list every month of special needs, so I am able to pray for people and send notes of encouragement if I choose.  I especially appreciate articles from those in the medical profession and what they think of health care sharing.   Don't take my word for it, if you are searching for a way to pay for your health care that is in line with your faith belief system, without the government telling you what to do, then please read more for yourself.  As an added bonus if you decide Samaritan Ministries might be the answer for your family, and you mention my name as a reference, I can get a discount on my monthly portion.  Just more of the Christian family caring for each other, by God's design.
Or check out their Facebook page  at


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