Thursday, October 20, 2016


Sometimes it is scary to be real with people, making yourself vulnerable, especially when hitting one little button and sending your thoughts out to cyberspace is so easy - but here goes!  In 2008-2009 I lost over 65 lbs through the Weight Watchers program.  I then went on to lead meetings for about 5 years, sharing information and encouraging others in their wellness journey.  When I stopped leading those meetings almost 2 years ago I felt strong enough in my behaviors to maintain my weight loss and health.  I did quite well for the first year, gaining about 5 lbs and staying level.  The last 6 months or so, not so much!  I have now gained back 25 of those 65 lbs that I lost.  I could write down all the excuses that I'm sure all of you have used "I'm too busy to exercise", "I don't like the foods I need to eat to keep the weight off", "I am older now and I just can't lose weight anymore".  Here is a news flash for you - those are all just excuses.  I ate pretty much whatever I wanted those nearly 7 years I was at my goal weight, truly - everything I wanted.     *accountability*

For 5 days last week I lived in a hotel room and sat for  8 hrs a day in a classroom as I attended a training for the new job that I will start on Nov. 1.  One evening, toward the end of the week as I sat on the bed eating another fast food meal, I took a look at the old me starting to emerge.  The puffy, bloated, unhappy, sluggish me.  I didn't like it one bit!  The insecurities, poor self esteem and depression that I had battled for so many years were creeping back in. I decided right then not to be that person again, there was no way I was going back.  *accountability*

When I got home I also started looking at other areas of my life.  I know that as I begin a new job I will have to go back to being organized in a totally different manner.  I have worked from home almost exclusively for nearly 2 years.  I could set my own schedule, decide on how I wanted to organize my time and pretty much answered only to myself.  As a team leader in a direct sales company I run that business in a very orderly fashion.  I pride myself on excellent customer care, I communicate with my team and I reap the rewards by taking care of that business.  Where I had recently fallen down was reaching up to my sponsor for my own mentoring and self care.  I know what to do to take care of my team, but who was taking care of me?    *accountability*

Since the new job that I will be starting runs primarily on a volunteer force (mentors, teachers, food providers and more) we were discussing how we ask people to help and where do we find volunteers.  One of the trainers, who has been in this ministry and leading an established center for many years, made a comment that stuck with me - "when I am looking for volunteers I ask busy people!"  The more I thought about that and relating it to my past jobs and experience that is so true.  The key is to not answer for people but to let them answer, we simply ask the question.  So I have mulled that over in my mind in other areas as well:

1. When I lost all of the weight back in 2008-09 I was working full time, I was involved in a job that included after hours duties and I was active in other small groups.  I managed to exercise every day, I ate well, I played hard and met my goals.

2. When I first started with my direct sales business I was still working for Weight Watchers, I was very busy with the schedule and activities that I was involved in.  I had a larger team, more team sales, yet since I was in control I managed to be efficient and organized in order to accomplish everything that needed to be done without being overwhelmed.

3.  The last 18 months I have worked exclusively from home.  I spent this past summer still working my business and also caring for my granddaughters every day while they were out of school/daycare.  I failed to exercise, I made poor food and time choices, and I didn't accomplish many things that I wanted to do.

You know what all of those things bring to mind for me?  ACCOUNTABILITY!

Accountability: (Webster's 1828 Dictionary) The state of being liable to answer for one's conduct; liability to give account, and to receive reward or punishment for actions.

The main reason I went to work for Weight Watchers after my weight loss was because I knew I needed the accountability in my life to keep the weight off.  I had been overweight for over 20 years, and once I got the weight off I knew I needed it.  To know that I had to step on the scale each month and maintain it within a healthy range was always in the back of my mind. Like I said, I ate whatever I wanted but moderation was the key. I also learned through my weight loss journey that keeping track, in writing, of all that I eat and how I exercise are essentials for me.  How could I stand up and lead people if I wasn't actually doing the behaviors I was supposed to help them put in place?  

As I started the Direct Sales business I approached it the same way - I am very much a go-getter and self starter.  I figured out how to succeed and I did it.  I also relied on those that are successful in the business to get ideas from, to learn from and to model their success. 
All of this came together in an 'ah ha' moment for me in that hotel room as I took another bite of a meal that probably wasn't the best choice.  I had failed to be accountable. The results of my own choices were being played out in many areas of my life - from my health, my work practices and even more, my spirituality.  I had let the accountability aspect slip away and as such I fell into the trap of making excuses.  "I know what I'm eating, I don't need to track it or measure it anymore", "I can't lose weight, it's too hot to exercise", "My business isn't going as well because THEY aren't doing their work", "I feel disconnected from God, I guess He just isn't listening to me anymore".  

This has been quite an exciting few days for me and just being accountable has changed everything about my life - in my mood, my time management and my health. First thing when I got home I got my activity tracker charged, put it on and I started walking again. With a new app on my phone my food and exercise tracking and maintenance is easier than ever.  I made a connection with my former Weight Watcher buddy (who lost over 100 lbs and has managed to keep it all off) and we are now back in contact with the constant struggle that weight management can be, and we are encouraging each other once again.  I reached out to my direct sales sponsor, and I LISTENED to her evaluation of things I might try in relation to how I am currently doing things. I already feel recharged and excited about the business that I love and sharing it with others.   I put in place a prayer team to support me, and be accountable to, as I start this new ministry job.  In all areas of my life I need accountability in order to be the best me I can be.  No more time for excuses! For the things that are important we all have the same 24 hrs each day.  It is up to us to decide how to spend them. By having trusted people that I am accountable to, not just 'yes' people, but those that will hold me to the things I set out to accomplish I'm more apt to be functioning at my best and in turn life is better.  I have reestablished those partnerships,  in various areas of my life, that will challenge me, cheer me on and call me out when I seem to be slipping. Who do you have to be that for you?  As a certified life coach I know the value in being coached. The hardest part sometimes is for the coach to be coached!    I'm really good at complaining, but with careful consideration I have to admit that a lot of what I complain about has been my own doing.  Don't be that person.

Here are some links to things that I have mentioned:
My fitness tracker!

My new job journey!

My business - check it out!


  1. I love those A-ha moments that spur us to new vision and action. Sharing your journey inspires and encourages me. Accountability is vital and it may a wee bit lacking in my life as well.

    1. I know it is crucial for me! Just need to listen more closely ;-)

  2. We each need accountability in many areas of life... Thanks for the reminder!

  3. We each need accountability in many areas of life... Thanks for the reminder!


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