Saturday, November 12, 2016

A Wonderful Dead End

I don't have a fancy gym membership, my gym is a dead end country road. I zigzag walk that road nearly every day for 2-2.5 miles.  We live in a subdivided area that consists of 3-5 acre tracts.  However, it is mostly undeveloped so it doesn't 'feel' like a subdivision.  There is an interesting variety of homes on our road. From modest 1970's ranch styles (like ours) to mid sized new construction all the way up to beautiful mega homes.  There are young families, singles, empty-nesters, widows and retirees living along our road. We are as diverse as the homes! The land is mostly wooded in cedar with some oaks and other hardwoods mixed in. There is evidence of deer, hogs, raccoons, opossums and other animals along the way. Dogs, cats and horses too. 

As I was walking and praying/thinking this morning I mulled a lot of random things over in my mind.  I thought of friendships that I have and what causes those relationships to endure.  Some from many years ago, others that are new and developing.  I love my friends. I walk by this sign every day and it reminds me about the good people that are in this world. Friends that go the extra mile and even after they are gone are deeply missed and loved.

I walk down this rocky side road each day and think of the bumps and obstacles that I have encountered in my 59 years.  Sometimes the road is slippery, always rocky, but  it makes me pay attention to where I step and how I proceed. Though you can't tell in the picture, it is also a hill. So it can be a strain at times to walk up and down that hill, especially when wet. When that is the case I am even more aware and careful.  But I still travel on that rocky road.

Sometimes when I walk the view is open and and beautiful, like today.  Other days the fog rolls across the hills and the beauty of the area is obscured or even totally hidden.  Yet I know it is there.   Most days I see 20-30 deer on my walk including a beautiful 8 point buck. Other days I don't see even one - but again, I know they are there, so I always watch for their appearance.

My faith is the cornerstone in  my life.  I encounter hard times, happy times, sad times and really frustrating times.  My faith is always there.  I have gone through periods where I wonder why God seems so distant or silent, then I realize it is me who has pulled away. We have all been experiencing one of the most difficult times in our country.  I have friends that are showing behaviors that astonish me- from BOTH sides of the political aisle!  I have really good friends who believe very differently than I do.  They are still my friends.  I have had times when things (whether politics, religion, life choices etc) didn't go how I wanted them to but I didn't rant and rave to my friends that made those choices.  Over my 59 years, and voting since I was 18, I have endured terms of leaders that I absolutely and totally disagreed with yet I never spewed some of the venom I am seeing today.  I may have thought it and mulled it over, but never would I put someone down because of the choice they made freely and that is their right.  I may not agree, but to say and do the things that we are seeing now in our country from people I never expected to react in that way hurts my heart more than the issues.

I am seeing comments that people think and believe our world is coming to an end, a dead end that is inevitable. You know what, I have felt many dead ends were inevitable in my life. I thought things would never change, or that choices that others made were so against what I believed that my life would be destroyed.  I sometimes thought that things were hopeless and out of my control.  I have even at times thought about running away so that choices other people made could be avoided and I could just ignore them. What I did (and do) instead is I love.  I love God.  I love my family and my friends even when I disagree with them. I look beyond the things that I disagree or dislike and remind myself of what I love about them, and I hope they do the same for me.  I still help those in need, I still believe in law and order and I will teach my grandchildren how to love and give.  What they choose to do when they are adults is simply that - their choice.  

I may live on a dead end road, but it is a wonderful variety of sights that make it what it is. From home styles, to landscape, and even the cars that are parked in the drives - all different, some I like and some I don't .  I still wave - I smile and we all take care of and respect our little road. I don't berate or talk down about my neighbors choice, because it is theirs. I would never dream of posting a comment like "well our road is RUINED because you painted your trim that color, nothing will ever be the same and it is YOUR fault!" In life my ultimate dead end is the best of all - because I know the promises of God, and I'm thankful, so when I have rants I take them to Him, and I choose love and respect.

Philippians 4:12-13 I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.  For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. NLT

Ecclesiastes 3:14-15 And I know that whatever God does is final. Nothing can be added to it or taken from it. God's purpose is that people should fear him. What is happening now has happened before, and what will happen in the future has happened before, because God makes the same things happen over and over again. NLT

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