Sunday, November 27, 2016

An Advent Journey Week One - Anticipation

Every year when I was a kid the goodies started to arrive shortly after Thanksgiving.  My mom worked in a title company and back in the day it was common practice for lots of 'gift giving' between businesses.  There were gifts from the realtors, gifts back and forth between the banks, insurance agencies and other companies in town.  One of the best gifts was a box of chocolates from See's Candies.  Now I am not a big chocolate lover, but there was something about opening those boxes and seeing all of the different shapes nestled in their own little compartments that was exciting! I do love caramel though and   I thought I knew which ones were the caramels by the shape - but one time I bit into what I thought was a caramel and instead got some yucky super sweet fruity nougat thing!  I knew I didn't want that to happen again, so I came up with a solution, I turned each one over and gently poked my little fingers into the bottom of the candies to find the caramels.  No one would know, right? I got in a little trouble over that one!


Waiting was part of the fun.  I knew each year about the same time that fun stuff would start to arrive at our house, those business gifts.  Mom would often let me open the box for the first time, before the finger poking episode, and choose the first chocolate. It's so exciting to get that first peek.  This year I want to experience Advent as an exciting adventure, starting with the anticipation of what is to come. I want to open the 'box' of this season and see all of the wonders, the variety of experiences and the unexpected when we think we know what is coming but we are totally surprised.  

Sometimes really unexpected things come along with the good.  Just like those square chocolates, that I thought were caramel, things may not be as they appear.  This year open your eyes to the unexpected.  Look a little deeper at things and explore what it may mean for you.  In our world of fake news, rapidly spreading information and hoaxes galore search for the truth.  Don't just take things at the first glimpse, dig a little deeper for real knowledge and understanding.  Value the opinions of others, yet examine them and form your own opinions. Follow your belief and then be able to express why it is your belief.  Do all of this with love ~ anticipate growth this Advent season, a broadening of your understanding in all areas.

Anticipation can be troubling.  It may bring on anxiety, doubt, fear.  It can also be exhilarating!  How will you approach this Advent season?  

Let's journey together!

Psalm 25:4-5 Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you. NLT

Prayer focus for today:  children and adults in slavery.  Yes, slavery is still a huge problem in our world. One of the biggest areas of slavery is in the chocolate industry.  Before you buy this year be informed!

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