Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Zig-Zagging Along

I've written before about my morning walks along the road near our home.  Rather than walk up and down the road multiple times I choose to walk in a zigzag pattern in order to get in more steps and distance.  I make a tight back and forth path, and I also walk along little driveways and paths along the way. It's amazing how different the walk can be each day, depending on how wide I make my turns, how far out past the pavement and just other little things that I change up.  A few days ago, as I was walking along praying and thinking, when I came to the dead end of the road I noticed another woman walking.  She also was walking in a zigzag pattern!  I had never seen her before and I greeted her and said "I notice you do the same thing I do,  it adds steps!" We walked together for a bit, and she told me that she didn't like to walk all the way to the end of the road, so she just walked back and forth in that little area.  I had always noticed a closed gate at the very end of the road and since there is a steep drop off to a draw between the hills, all you can see of the house is the metal roof. The home has been there for a couple of years, and I always wondered if it was a weekend home or if anyone was ever there.  The gate is always closed and  sometimes locked and I had never seen anyone until that day.  As we walked she also told me that she usually walks in town with her husband, but he had gone to work early so she just decided to walk there by the house.

Every day I would see that gate and wonder about the house down the hill.  Often when we take our granddaughters on golf cart rides to the end of the road they would ask who lived down the hill.  I never had the answer.  As I chatted briefly with the lady on the road, I told her that we live in the first house as you enter from the highway.  She shared that they really didn't know many people on the road, they just pretty much stay at their house.  Just from our short chat she invited me to bring the girls sometime on down the hill, "we have a fun hiking trail around the house that I think they would like".  

Along our road there are probably about 15 homes, possibly a few more that you really can't see from the road.  There are winding driveways and locked gates that may just lead to empty acreage.  I walk along that road nearly every day, and I always see something new.  I anticipate seeing the deer, I know which homes have barking dogs and sometimes I give a wave to someone driving by.  Every now and then something unexpected comes along, like another person walking in a zigzag pattern that was thrilled to chat for just a few minutes.

As we journey through the Advent season, instead of anticipating what I know will come, this year I'm keeping my eyes open for the unexpected.  Ways to form habits of reaching out to people and making connections.  Not just 'for the season' but building relationships that last and are nurtured by caring and love.    I live in the first house on the road and my new friend lives on the very last house on the road - so many stories and opportunities lie in between. If it hadn't been for a simple zigzag walk at that very moment our paths may not have crossed. Who or what will cross your path today?

I know lots of twists and turns are coming over the next few weeks.  I also know that a great Light shines brightly to guide the way.  

Psalm 25:8-12 The Lord is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray. He leads the humble in doing right, teaching them his way. The Lord leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his commands. For the honor of your name, O Lord, forgive me my many sins. Who are those who fear the Lord? He will show them the path they should choose. NLT

Prayer focus for today: Your neighbors.  As you walk/drive by homes on your way to your own, pray for those who live there.  We have become a world that keeps to ourselves, and shelter our houses with gates and shutters.  How many of you know the names of your neighbors? Do you know their family members and the things they face in their lives?  Growing up I knew everyone on our block, and all of the adults knew the names of the children too.  We were a family of sorts.  Some we knew better than others, but we were all neighbors and cared for one another.  Pray for your neighbors today and maybe even meet a new one!

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