Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Cleaning the chicken coop

It's a poopy job!  I do love my hens and the fresh eggs they provide, but their home is a mess. I usually put it off as long as I can, but to keep things disease and pest free the coop needs to be mucked out.  The process doesn't take long, several scoops of the shovel (we keep the coop lined with fresh straw or sawdust) the roosts are cleaned and the nesting boxes get fresh straw.  But what to do with the poop!? At our house it goes to the compost pile.  Not only do the chickens get a clean house, I get exercise both from the cleaning process and the hauling of waste in the wheelbarrow up the hill to my compost pile.  The droppings and straw get worked in and before too long we have a new supply of black gold for our garden beds. 
What are the poopy things in your life?  What needs to be mucked out and repurposed in order to bring out the 'best' that is waiting in you? It is often a hard job to get through the muck and 'poop' that clutters up our life - but when you mix it in with some life giving water, stir it up every now and then, and let those smelly remnants be transformed you may be surprised at the beauty that emerges from the mess.
From a poopy mess to pretty flowers and organic vegetables......I see beauty coming!
Ready to do some mucking?

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