Monday, May 18, 2015

Wanna get away with God?

This last winter and  early spring I have been honored to co-lead a few women's retreats that have enriched my life.  Something about sharing the love of God with women is so fulfilling.  We women often put everyone else ahead of ourselves, so to 'retreat' away for a short period of time is truly a blessing.  These last couple of retreats I have used excerpts from the book pictured below, along with my own writings.  In an exchange of cups, this cup is the one I came home with from the last retreat.  As I use this 'princess' mug, I pray for the woman who brought it, and I also remind myself that I am truly a princess in God's eyes. 

There is a lot to be learned from a cup.  If you are searching for some new and fresh direction in your life - both spiritual and emotional, I highly recommend Joyce Rupp's book "The Cup of Our Life".  It can be used for individual study or in a group setting.  (I have no connection to Ms. Rupp, I just LOVE her book!)

Now back to the subject of retreats.  I have been involved in many retreats over the years, both as a participant and as a leader.  A few years ago God put a deep yearning in my heart, and that of my sister, to use our resources and talents to provide retreats for women.  Our retreats are different than most, as we focus on small groups of 12 or less.  It is perfect for a small group of friends, a small Bible study group, your mommy play group (without the kids of course!) or a group of women that are desiring a deeper walk with God, and to start that journey with like minded women.  My sister, Judy Cauthorn (and her husband Chuck) have a luxurious and beautiful home that they open for ministry like these small group retreats.  For a 3 or 4 day format (Thurs pm-Sun or Fri pm-Sun) Judy and I will welcome, love and lead you and your group in a blessed time for yourselves, away from the stress of life.  A time to re-charge, renew and grow in your relationship with God - all while being pampered, having fun, relaxing and  being waited on like the princess that you are.  More than anything, our retreats provide lots of time to just 'be'. 
I  design and pattern the retreat sessions particularly for your group. After learning the direction and topic you would like to cover I earnestly pray and write, and the sessions are presented in a fun, interactive way that are different than anything you may have experienced.  Judy does her part of hospitality, food and special touches that will leave you relaxed and refreshed, ready to return home to bless others.
Just tuck these images in the back of your mind and share them with your small group.  We are scheduling our fall and winter retreats now - so send me a message and we can talk about the details!  This oasis of peace, Jehovah-shammah (The Lord is there!), is located in Magnolia, TX.


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