Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Children are for young people! zzzzzz

My husband and I lead a pretty quiet and routine life.  All of our days look much the same. Our evenings are spent sharing the events of the day with each other, watching our favorite news show and then going through programs we have recorded on our DVR as we eat our evening meal.  Our mornings also are quite routine, I settle in my 'nest' to study, read and write, and he reads news on his e-reader, eats his breakfast and goes off to his ministry job as a chaplain at the local hospital.  But sometimes those routines get all jumbled up and disrupted unexpectedly!

Yesterday our daughter made a trip to the doctor and learned her lingering cough and malaise were actually bronchitis, sinus infection and pneumonia.  Being a single mom to two young girls she relies on us to help her out and we are blessed to live close by and able to do that.  Having a 3 year old and 6 year old in our normally quiet house really messes with 'old people's' routines!  They do visit us often and are very familiar with our home and spending the night with us, however school night sleep-overs are quite different.  Feeding hungry girls quickly after long days at school and day care, having a little play time, going over homework for the first grader, then baths, combing hair, reading stories and a bit of snuggle time before bed are all fun but tiring.  When they visit on weekends our schedule is more relaxed, and often bed time isn't quite so strict or we do special activities together. Knowing that we all had to get up much earlier and do the 'get ready for school routine' throws our quiet mornings into a bit of chaos.  Breakfast......combing hair again....... getting dressed...... checking backpack......... making beds....... picking up toys........ side trip to feed the chickens and pets........ loading in the car at 7:15 for the 8 mile drive to town , (oops did we get that backpack?) ...... wearing coats because the unpredictable Texas weather dropped into the 40's again....... first stop at daycare to drop off the 3 year old....... then the long wait in a busy elementary school drop off line.  All of this brought memories of long ago when our daughter was young.  But I also was much younger then!  

I'm settled now in my nest and reflecting on all I have done already in 2-1/2 hours this morning.  Those little girls are a huge blessing in our life, but I really like being just Grammy. Doing this routine brought to mind all of those that do this every day.  The over worked and tired parents that don't get enough rest but work multiple jobs just to pay the bills.  The single parents that trudge through each day wondering when they can just catch a little break.  And also the many grandparents and guardians that do what I just did EVERY day, they step in when needed and care for young children because no one else can. I also thought about the many parents that are sick, like our daughter, and have no one to step in and help.  

My morning devotion time was a little different today: on the ride into town our 6 year old granddaughter, Chloe, had brought her Early Reader's Bible in the car with us.  She read through several of the one page stories starting at the beginning, but quickly started looking through the pages to pictures that drew her attention.  She stopped at the page that showed people putting blood over their door frames and read about the Passover.  It was simplified, for a child, yet the main message was "God protected those whose homes were marked with blood" , a complicated and hard story for adults and even more so for children. Bottom line we talked about a God who loves us and looks out for us.  Her response  "just like you care for us, right Grammy?"  Yes, sweet Chloe but in a much larger way.  God loves us much more than we can ever imagine. and that is my "why Jesus" for today.  When I learned, all those years ago, how very much God loves me by sending Jesus to die for me and for all of mankind, it changed my life forever.  God has placed so many different people in my life, and I have grown and learned about Jesus through each relationship.   Where will you be the Light to someone today?  How will you share God's love through your actions? My routine from yesterday evening through this morning was much different than normal.  Two little girls made me physically tired, yet my heart is bursting with love and thanks to God that they are in my life.  

Pause sometime today and look beyond the decorations and busy-ness of this season and notice people around you.  Where can you help a struggling young parent? How can you share a little bit of "why Jesus" with those around you?  It may be as simple as a kind word in a grocery store line, or more involved like caring for young children like we just did - but you can be blessed and be a blessing no matter what.  Watch and do!

Think of someone today whose support has helped strengthen your faith. Write a note of thanks to that person, even if he or she is no longer living or if you have lost touch. If possible, mail or deliver that note as a gift before Christmas. 

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