Monday, June 27, 2016

How many days?!

I enjoy countdowns.  I make lists. I'm weird.  I have always kept little journals, big notebooks and all kinds of notepads and tablets.  Even though I do 90% of my work online on electronic devices I still love pens, paper and books. A fun blend of my love for countdowns and lists is an app where I can enter special dates and watch the time tick away until the event arrives. Here are just a few of the 'important' events that I have counting down:

Most of these dates are not significant to others - but they mean something to me.  To know that in just over a month I will gather with my work friends for the Jamberry Convention excites me.  To share ideas, celebrate successes and brainstorm work plans is something to look forward to.  

I am long past school age - but spending  the summer caring for a 4 year old and a 7 year old makes the First Day of School a huge milestone in my book!  I am reminded every day that children are for young people.  Though I love these girls dearly, the first day of school is a time for celebration - for them and for me.  Those little girls will get to be with friends again and continue on their journey of growth and discovery.  I will get back to very quiet days and more time to fully devote to my businesses.  Since I work from home those moments are precious.  What this summer has done for me is give me a greater understanding and deep appreciation for those young women that I mentor who run their businesses like this every day - God bless them!

Then there are the fun things that I countdown: Fall Decorating Day!  (Labor Day).  Those of you that know me at all are very aware that I really do not like summer, at all.  When Labor Day arrives and most people are enjoying one last summer fling or a family vacation  day I transform my home into browns, oranges, and rich fall colors.  I close the blinds so that the lingering Texas sun and heat aren't as noticeable.  I pretend that it really is fall, and that any day I will open the door to crisp morning air, falling leaves and the need to wear a sweater. By surrounding myself with simple decor my spirit is lifted.

151 days from today is THE decorating day.  For some this will be the day after Thanksgiving, time with family and friends and eating leftovers.  For me it is the day that all of that orange, brown, leaves and pumpkins are replaced with my treasures of the Christmas season.  The time of year when I feel closest to my Dad, who has been gone for 36 years. This 'decorating day' sets up the next few weeks of my fondest memories - my Mom teaching me how to bake numerous types of cookies so they could be delivered during Christmas week.  Listening to old favorites like Mitch Miller, Andy Williams and other special Christmas tunes.  It may sound like I am all about the 'things'.  Those things for me are mostly in my heart.  Though I surround myself with the decor and collected items of the season, what I really countdown with all of these things is the joy and expectation of what is to come.

Waiting for special events gives me hope. When I get bogged down in the day to day worries of life I look at those countdown screens on my phone and I smile.  When I see JamCon I know in just over a month I will see some great friends and make some new ones.  I will be 'recharged' to do my best at my work and the days without sales seem to fade away.  I will be reminded of why I love what I do.  When I am dealing with a 4 year old having a meltdown  and a 59 year old (me!) having an even larger meltdown I see the "First Day of School" and it prompts me to hold that child and remember that teaching her now about forgiveness and love will help her for the rest of her life, often more than what she will learn at school.   Most days I'm the one that needs the refresher lesson on forgiveness.

Then there are those decorating days.......I turn to those the most.  When things are just weighing heavily, when I have seen and heard way too many political rantings and worry about what my grandchildren will have to deal with I let my mind go to simplicity.  The plan of placing a large Ponderosa pine cone on top of my hutch and remembering why I love the mountains, or pulling out a pumpkin shaped soup tureen and fondly thinking of the dear friend who gave it to me -  those things  give me hope and joy.  The decor is just a way to not be bogged down in the sorrow of the present.  

The most important day of all in my countdowns is 180 days from today.  The day that I will celebrate the reason why I am who I am.  The day I remember that God sent his Son to us. Not for the presents,  not for the traditions or all of the fun things I will do on that day, but solely because constantly focusing on that day gives me the ultimate hope.  I know the 'whole story' but by always reminding myself of that gift from God helps me wade through the ups and downs of all of the other days of the year.  

Countdowns are fun - yet there is one countdown that I can't enter into my phone app.  So I will keep on with the ones I enjoy, I will focus on hope and I will keep an eye for the ultimate countdown that only One can see.

Mark 13:32-33 "However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself.  Only the Father knows. And since you don't know when the time will come, be on guard! Stay alert!  NLT

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