Friday, July 22, 2016

Telling stories

In my quest to simplify and declutter our home  over the last 14 months the hardest thing for me to deal with is pictures.  I have already saved many of my current photos from electronic devices to books and albums.  Though I love the instant aspect of photography now, and the ability to see if it is a 'good one' right away, I still love thumbing through old photos.  I have a basket that I just keep moving around, waiting for a rainy day to organize, label and store them.  I have already gotten rid of many scenery pics that I can't even remember where they were taken.  I am also writing names on the backs of pictures because I have so many old photos from ancestors that I have no idea who they are, I don't want that to happen to my pics!  

When I was moving the basket once again, to go through a closet and load up another batch of clothes and trinkets to remove from the house, the little girls wanted to look through the photos.  It was so fun to listen to them as they looked at pictures of their mommy as a little girl.  Asking me who people are and then telling them stories of what was going on in the picture.  

Having lots of pictures in my phone or computer is convenient and easy to look at , but there is just something about holding a photograph in your hand and remembering.........

So much of our world is instant and so very fast.   I do love my electronics, I can write this blog and read other blogs in this easy and accessible manner.  But holding a book or writing with pen and paper,  and looking at a real photo are things for us to pass along to those coming along behind.  There is so much value in passing along our life stories, and it is often quoted that we are just one generation away from losing many things.  I don't want our family story to be lost.  I will continue to tell these little girls our story and enjoy the smiles on their faces as they discover story treasures of their mom as a little girl.

I also will continue to share the story of my God and Jesus with them as well.  To teach them compassion, love and grace.  Hopefully they will hold fast to all of it and someday pass it all along to those that come next.

Proverbs 22:6 Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.  NLT

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