Monday, December 19, 2016

Are we there yet?

Do you know that feeling when you get close home and it's like the last few miles take forever? Growing up in Jackson, CA we would go to Sacramento for our big shopping twice a year for clothes and occasional special trips to see my parents' best friends.  It was only a 45 mile trip, but back then that seemed long.  When we would get to Sutter Creek, and just have 6 miles or so left to our house I would get excited.  Passing the landmarks: the lumber mill on the hill in Martell and the smell of smoke coming from the large stack and seeing the huge logs floating in the pond,  curving on down the hill and seeing Butte Mountain come in to view and the Kennedy Mine tailing wheels, on into town and passing Mel's and wondering who was having a Moo-burger or cruising Main and waving at friends.  I've been gone from Jackson for over 35 years but can still imagine all of my favorite places in that small town. When I went back for my 40th reunion last year I was so excited to be driving past the landmarks, yet sad because many of them are gone. Mel's is now a large modern building that is not so new anymore, the old walk up burger joint has been gone for years - but the restaurant is still a gathering place for locals.  The mine and tailing wheels are still an attraction but the lumber mill stack is long gone and now that hill is covered with businesses and parking lots.  

As I traveled around during my Air Force years I received orders to move to Del Rio, TX. I was very sad to be leaving Alaska, I would have been happy to serve and live there forever. I received my welcome pack to Del Rio and the brochure showed a beautiful sparkling spring, with huge pecan trees and picturesque green lawn around it.   Even though I was ever so sad about leaving the mountains I thought for a moment 'maybe this won't be so bad'. 

Memorial Day weekend, 1982.  I had been driving from California to Texas seeing the sights along the way as I journeyed to my new duty base.  A friend had gone along with me, but I put her on the plane home in San Antonio and started that last 3 hour leg to my new home. San Antonio was fun and Texas was starting to grow on me!  Well, it wasn't long, as I was driving west on Highway 90, that things changed drastically!  Miles (and miles and miles) of flat long road, caliche dust, mesquite trees and a few towns dotted here and there.  I was asking myself constantly "am I there yet? where are those pretty springs!?"

After miles and miles of flat, desolate land there was the base.  All I saw were many T38s lined up ready for training and no sparkling springs or tall pecan trees.  No beautiful forest surrounding the flight line with huge cargo aircraft and helicopters that I had worked on the previous 2 years.  "Connie - we're not in Alaska anymore".   I admit, I cried and cried on that Memorial Day weekend when I arrived in Del Rio, TX.   I started a count down calendar of when I would receive my next assignment!  Little did I know then that I would make decisions that changed my life forever and I lived in that town for the next 25 years.  

Over those years I had that same anticipation when I would drive into town.  I would leave as often as I could, even though San Antonio was 3 hrs away and there were no mountains in sight, when I would get to Brackettville that last 30 miles to home would be time to check off the landmarks, then passing the base would be the final stretch of a few miles to our home.  I did end up living right near the beautiful San Felipe Springs with huge pecan trees in our yard along with a gigantic black pine.  When the wind would blow through that pine tree I would sit outside and the sound would remind me, just for a minute, of what wind in the pines in the mountains sounded like.

Now we live in central Texas in a charming small town.  Fredericksburg is kind of a hub, and many roads lead here.  Though I don't go places much, when I drive home there are always those landmarks to signal that I'm getting close.  The childhood comment of "are we there yet" always runs through my mind.  So what does all of this rambling about driving and places I've lived have to do with Advent? That is how I feel right now.  We started with anticipation and making plans.  Then a road map of sorts to guide us along.  Now I just want to be there!  I want to behold the majesty of the birth of Jesus and also experience that promise of the Messiah. I also want to take in every moment.  Just like driving into my hometown of Jackson, CA  and loving each place I passed, I love this last week of Advent and I want to experience each moment fully.  I want to read, and re-read the story. I want to feel it in my heart and sit like the shepherds in awe of what they experienced.  I want that power and glory to wash over me.  

Just like driving into Del Rio, TX and the dry desolate miles and miles of open space our journey to Jesus can seem endless.  But there is a sparkling jewel of refreshing spring to water your heart and soul.  Keep going, keep praying and keep watching.

Luke 2:1-5 At that time he Roman emperor, Augustus, decreed that a census should be taken throughout the Roman Empire. All returned to their own ancestral towns to register for this census. And because Joseph was a descendant of King David, he had to go to Bethlehem in Judea, David's ancient home. He traveled there from the village of Galilee. He took with him Mary, his fiancee, who was now obviously pregnant.

Prayer focus: Today as you go about your day, and the busy-ness of this last week before Christmas, take a moment to notice the landmarks.  Pay attention to those around you and how they may be floundering in the hustle and bustle.  Reach out to someone that may need a kind word.  Especially those who are missing a loved one for the first time this year.  Pray that the 'springs' of Jesus' love will water you both.

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