Wednesday, December 7, 2016

"That's the plan!"

Plan: A scheme devised; a project; the form of something to be done existing in the mind, with several parts adjusted in idea, expressed in words or committed to writing.

Scheme: To plan; to contrive.

Contrive: To invent; to devise; to plan.

I love word studies.  I could have continued on down the line with this.  I even went on a bunny trail!  The definitions above are from my 1828 Webster's Dictionary.  When I looked at the definitions for the same words in a current dictionary some of the meanings of those words have taken on slightly different connotations.  Scheme had the newer definition of "an underhanded plot".  As I was looking for a simple definition of plan I realized that my very point was being made in the first few minutes I sat at this computer.  I had a plan (in my head) to write this blog entry and check that off my list, then move along to the next thing on my list.  Surprise - surprise, within a few minutes I was off on a word search in an old dictionary! My original plan was going off on a detour.  

I make plans all the time, and rarely do they actually go as I envision them.  All year I look forward to this season, the time between Thanksgiving and New Year,  beginning with Advent, Christmastide and on to Epiphany.  I have certain things I do and  I have a timeline that I like to follow.  That perfect timeline, however, only exists in my head.  Real life often takes that plan down a totally different path.  There are so many things that are out of our control, yet they can completely take control of our time and our lives. Illness, weather, other people's actions, accidents and more. So how do you cope when your plan goes awry?  If you haven't heard that word in awhile here it is:

Awry: Turned or twisted towards one side; not in a straight or true direction, or position. Turned away from the line of truth, or right reason.

This year my reality certainly looks different than my plan! I started a new job in November, I continue to work my direct sales business and my husband is facing a major surgery tomorrow that will involve a possibly lengthy recovery.  Some things that I plan for every year during this time just won't happen.  The time will still pass, the dates will come and go on the calendar and there will be new opportunities each day to look to God and trust in HIS plan.

As a life coach and leader of a team in business I also work with goals.  Since I am in the definition mode today check this one out:

Goal: The end or final purpose; the end to which a design tends or which a person aims to reach or accomplish.

My plan each year is to enjoy and participate in various activities and traditions.  My goal is to have a peaceful and calm spirit, and to draw close to God in all of it. When I keep that goal of nearness to God in front of me, the plan may be changed and detours may take me on a completely different path to get there yet my goal stays the same.   Sometimes I find myself so obsessed with the plan that it draws me away from my intended goal.  I'm basically speaking of my spiritual journey, but it applies to my work as well.  The goal in my business is to be a good leader and provide for us in order to pay bills.  My plan is that my team will perform just like I do, work in the manner that I do and have the same goal. Do you see the problem there?  I'm including the actions of others in my plan. When I put my expectations and plans on others all I am doing is setting myself up for disappointment. A better plan and goal is to help them realize their own goals and then help them devise a plan in order to achieve them.  My ultimate goal can still be achieved, it just may take walking down a different path than what is planned in my head to get there.

As you journey through these days of Advent what is your plan?  What do you have in mind that the remainder of the season will look like?  What is your ultimate goal? Since my ultimate goal is a peaceful and calm spirit and nearness to God I must keep that goal in front of me as my plans tend to change. The beauty of that is often God's plan draws me closer to my goal faster than if I follow the plan I have for myself.  

We have 18 days until Christmas.  If you are like me you still have a list of things you want to do, and plans on how to get them done.  What is your end goal?  Think about that today and take a hard look at how you are advancing toward your goal.  Yours will be different than mine, but outside influences will certainly come in to play for you, just like they do for me.  So be ready! Watch for the detours that will come and don't be afraid to take them, there just might be something better waiting for you along that unknown path.

Prayer focus today: Ask God to give you an open mind and heart. To watch for new paths He may guiding you to, and the boldness to walk down them.  

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