Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Shortest distance or fastest route?

When I look at my GPS or Google map it is easy to click or tap on the screen and change the route.  There are so many options~  fastest, shortest, no tolls etc.  However, the map doesn't tell the whole story. A number of years ago my family was on a driving vacation to see my niece and her family in Kentucky, where her husband was attending seminary.  It was just a few weeks after 9/11 (it makes me sad to realize that everyone knows what those numbers mean).  We decided to stay out of airports and see some of our great country along the trip. That was one of my favorite trips and I still remember some of the fantastic places we visited.

As we were leaving Kentucky we were driving along an interstate to head to our next destination when I noticed a small spot on our map - (paper map, as this was before we had GPS on our phones).  Just a few miles off the main highway, was the Lincoln Birthplace Memorial.  We drove just a few miles out of our way and experienced a real treasure.  I hadn't planned on that stop but we all were so glad we got off of the interstate and visited this monument.   When we first approached we saw a fancy monument that looked like it should be anywhere but in the middle of a Kentucky pasture. 

As we began walking around the grounds there was so much more to see!  The traditional cabin location, the sinking springs where water was gathered for the family, but the real surprise was inside that monument building.  A replica cabin is fully enclosed inside that monument!  We thoroughly enjoyed seeing a slice is history in a totally unexpected place.

I've thought about that little detour a lot over the years.  Since I do all of the driving in our family I often like to take the less traveled route.  Our society has become so tuned to instant gratification, fast travel and no waiting that we miss some of the best there is in all areas.  When you get off the fast highway you just might experience something that will bless you beyond measure.

Advent can feel like the fast highway, at least it is for me.  We have SO many things to do! The Christmas season of advertisements takes over - the decorating, the food, the parties, the gifts, and now 'that elf'!  More to do, more to see, more to buy.......I prefer the side road. I have been on a quest to simplify our life and home for almost 2 years.  Right now I am somewhat forced to slow down as my husband recovers from surgery.  The unexpected treasure of that is I am immersing myself in reflection on what is really the reason for Advent. I'm praying, reflecting and thinking about what is really important to me. Yes, I love looking at my beautiful tree that is decorated with years of memories and traditions. What I am enjoying even more is learning that the treasure God has for all of us is so much more that pretty ornaments and gifts under the tree.

My home may look like a pretty and fancy monument right now, kind of like that Lincoln Memorial in the middle of a Kentucky field.  But inside is a basic and solid structure.  We love God, we love each other and things may look fancy to the visitor, but our life is really very simple. Once all of the Christmas decor is put away we have the 1970's house that is rough around the edges, a bit worn out but will stand because it's built on who we are, not that we have the flashiest appearance. We have hard times we push through, and we have wonderful memories too.  We keep going because we know that God is bigger than all of it. It can be easy to take that fast highway, zooming along and counting off the miles and signs as you go.  These last few days why not try getting off the highway and meandering along the road to Bethlehem.  Take in the surprises that you might miss if you take the fast route.

Prayer focus: Pray for those you see 'rushing'. If you find yourself doing that, take a moment to drive off the expected route. Look for unexpected signs from God today and pause to enjoy them.  Let your soul be refreshed.

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