Saturday, December 10, 2016

It's all in the plan

It's interesting to look back and see how things go, versus how things are planned.  On Thursday we had a plan for how surgery day would go.  At hospital by noon, surgery at 2pm, in ICU by about 6pm.  Well, as all of you probably know, plans often get messed up when it involves medical procedures!

We arrived on time, but an emergency in the OR caused all surgeries to be pushed back.  In reality we sat and waited.  Surgery started at 3:30pm, in recovery at 6:30 and finally settled in ICU at 7:30.  You know what the hardest part about that entire day was, for Waylon?  Not eating! You see, when you think you are going to get started about 2pm so you don't eat after midnight, but then you wait for a couple hours longer, that last meal doesn't hang around for long!  A few times as we were chatting and waiting for the go ahead, he commented "well, it has been so long now, I just really don't think about it". 

I have thought about that a lot over the last few days.  How often do we put something off and then just don't think about it? "I haven't talked to my sister in weeks, oh well - she probably doesn't want to talk to me anyway".  "I really should write those thank you notes, but I'll have time tomorrow".  "I heard that  one of my best friends lost her spouse, I'm sure she has so many people around, I'll just call her next week".    We have plans, but as we procrastinate the plan gets easier to adjust or ignore.  All of these things are very different from waiting for things out of our control, like a hospital operating room. The things I mentioned are all things we CAN control!  We can plan to do things and when other things get in our way we go with the flow but still do the things we planned.   Just because Waylon didn't get in the OR at the time planned, he wasn't going to wolf down a meal and upset the altered plan.  So make the plan, if it gets thrown off course  or detoured, still carry through with the plan.  "I really need to talk to my sister - as soon as I start this load of laundry I will call her!"  "I have enjoyed this birthday gift for weeks, I will write that note now instead of playing Candy Crush".  "I'm afraid Ann will cry if I call her about Joe dying - I'm going to call anyway, we can cry together".  

Don't give up your plan because it doesn't look like you imagined.  Don't ignore the joy of Advent and Christmas because you are having a rough time.  Life is messy, hard and throws us curves - go with it!

Jeremiah 6:16 This is what the Lord says: "Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls".

Prayer focus: Watch for the things that get you 'off your path' and pray that God will guide you.  Watch for the alternate plan and what blessings may be there, pray for the strength to act on what is placed before you.

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