Tuesday, December 20, 2016


December 20.  5 days until Christmas. I know some of you are probably checking things off in your head right about now "I have XXX amount of gifts to wrap, I haven't baked the cookies, what am I going to cook for Christmas Eve dinner, I wonder if Uncle Joe will cause a scene again....."    am I right?  These thoughts tend to dominate rather than "just a few more days until I sit in awe of what God has done and will do, I am so blessed by love and generosity, 5 more days of marveling at the miracle of this season and what is represents, hope is alive in my life because of Christmas".  It takes conscious effort to turn our thoughts away from all of the things that press in on us.

Here is a challenge for you today, kind of an early New Year - New You exercise.  Start today on change.  By the time January 1st rolls around you will be ahead of the game and as everyone else is trying to decide on how to 'change' themselves you can give them tips!  

For all of these things the only obstacle is you.  When we start working on ourselves many of the problems and things that weigh us down will disappear.  5 days....... there is still time for lots of obstacles to pop up in front of you before Christmas - don't let your own choices be some of them.  Control the things you can and stomp out the others!

Romans 12:2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. NLT

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