Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Reservations (Advent 2017)

5 years ago, in the winter of 2013 I had a plan. My husband and I would be celebrating our 30th anniversary later that year and we were going to take a dream trip. The destination was a fall driving tour through New England. I started about 8 months before the trip making reservations. Most of you know that New England in the fall is a popular location for tourists, especially people like us who live in the South and rarely get to experience fall temperatures and foliage colors. Even starting that far ahead there were some locations (inns, restaurants etc) that were already booked. 

When you are starting a special journey reservations are important. There is expense involved, as some places require deposits of money - and though we got excellent deals on airfare by booking far in advance, there was extra expense for trip insurance, in case we were unable to make the trip. Traveling to an area that we had never been to also brought its own concerns.  When relying only on travel books, websites and brochures it is hard to know what things are really like. I have been disappointed in the past when advertising was, shall be say, a bit deceptive!  We had an advantage though.  My sister and brother in law had traveled on a similar trip just a couple of years prior. I trust them completely and when she shared a large collection of maps, routes and brochures I knew my planning was getting easier. Also, with personal recommendations from someone I know and love, the planning became one of my favorite parts of the journey.

However, there are alternate definitions of 'reservations'. Some that come to mind are:

1. a a limiting condition 
  • agreed, but with reservations

   b doubtmisgiving 
  • had serious reservations about marriage area in which hunting is not permitted; especially one set aside as a secure breeding place

3something reserved: such as
a a tract of public land set aside (as for use by American Indians)

The doubt definition is one that creeps to mind as we begin this Advent journey. "Will things really work out as I plan?" "What if I can't get everything done before Christmas?" "Will my gift really make a difference?" "Is God even listening to my prayers?"  We all have reservations in life. Letting them take control is the battle to be overcome. I also think of our Native American reservations - though perhaps a good intention when they were planned, I see them as isolating and controlling. A reservation for some could be considered a prison.

So what do we do to battle our doubt? How can we move to focus on the joy of a reservation, an appointment, with God and open ourselves to His blessings this season? 

When I was planning that trip of a lifetime back in 2013, I focused on the good. I looked for places and events that would add joy to our lives. Memories that would be made that we could look back on and remember with fondness. I had waited all my life to take that trip and with careful planning and well thought out reservations and plans it turned out fantastic.  Were there bumps and detours along the way? Of course! Just the traffic getting out of Boston airport on the first day was enough to make my husband say "And we are doing this why?" Yet we pushed forward, crawling through the city traffic and arriving at our first inn.  As we looked around at the quaint village we knew it was all worth it.

I look at this picture now and it makes me smile. We are a bit older, my hair is longer and I dream of visiting Vermont again someday. We pushed through the reservations of spending too much money, wondering if we would choose the right places to stay and eat, and we relied on our paid reservations to satisfy. 

What reservations are you making for Christmas? Are you reserving time for you and God to work out the best in yourself? Are you reserving time for your family for special events together, rather than rushing to and fro? Or are you having doubt that this year will be different? 

Doubt is a powerful force.  I battle doubt every day. "Will my family stay healthy this next year?" "Will my business continue to grow and provide for us?" "Will I be able to help those who need it?" I call on God to push through my reservations and doubt, and I am making a new reservation with Him - to trust, obey and believe. 

John 20:27-29 Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe." Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!" Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." NIV

Advent challenge #3 - Put aside at least one doubting reservation that you have plaguing you and make a reservation with God to trust. Make plans, trusting that His good will come about for you, and if detours come - ask Him to guide you through them.

Prayer: Jesus, as I remember your story, help me write a new story for myself. Take the doubt from me in all things, and draw me close to you as I plan for, and anticipate, the extreme blessing you have for me at the end of the journey.  Amen.

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