Friday, December 22, 2017

Detours......Roadblocks......Boulders (Advent 2017)

9 days of no posts. 9 days journeying through Advent and the trip took a wildly different path than all of my plans. All of my preparation, my plans, my lists.......they took a giant detour. Have you had days, weeks or seasons like that? 

The entire holiday season can hide land mines. I think deep down we all expect each year to be different, we have dreams that the picture perfect Christmas will happen. I love the entire season, and this year is no different. I decorate my home,   I indulge in silly traditions that make me think of my childhood and more traditions that have formed through all of my adult years. Then the unexpected happens. It doesn't matter what it is - it can be different things for each of us:

A diagnosis
A death
Loss of some sort

This has been one of those years. Actually one of those weeks.  When a giant boulder drops in the road it takes creativity , determination, cooperation and time to move it.  

What boulder is in your life right now? Sometimes when it is a really large boulder the time and manner to move it seems impossible. Just like life situations, no matter what it is that comes to you - look at the possibility and opportunity instead of giving up. I've had a boulder of my own roll into the road last week.  The journey continues. I'm still 'walking' to the great event, I'm still planning and looking forward to the promise of the Birth and the remembrance of how it changed the world. The boulder is still there, the uncertainty is looming, stronger than all of that is Hope. 

As we journey through these last few days until Christmas remember where your hope is. What is it that you hold on to when the boulders drop in your path? Do you press on, or do you hide in despair? Even with all of the planning, lists and preparation things happened that were totally unexpected. It would be easy to sit here and look at the boulder and wait for someone else to move it.  I choose instead to press on. What is your boulder?

Philippians 4:12-13 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. NIV

Prayer: Lord help me hold on to You through difficulty, uncertainty and doubt. Help me spend these next 3 days rejoicing in the extravagant gift you sent us in Jesus. Move the boulders, straighten the path, and guide me in new directions. Amen.

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