Monday, December 4, 2017

Where is the Journey taking you? (Advent 2017)

So many things to do! Each year as Thanksgiving approaches I have a plan to tackle the holiday season with organization and ease. Then after the turkey carcass is cooked down and all of the pies are gone it hits me - Christmas! Now we don't have a long gift list or big extravagant parties to attend, but there are many traditions in our family that I look forward to. Writing this blog has become a tradition that is very important to me and I realized that I have been pretty quiet in this front for quite some time. 

When I saw this photo it made me think of the journey I'm starting this Advent. The road is steep, winding and dark. Yet it is illuminated with streaks of light and speed. Off in the distance is the unknown, the mystery. There is so much to see along the way. I want to take in every twist and turn, each surprise and enjoy the trip. Growing up in the mountains in California I learned to drive on roads with hairpin turns and switchbacks. There is no speeding, unless you want to take a side trip careening down a granite and pine tree slope to a tragic end! With so much concentration needed to stay on the road it is hard to notice the beauty all around. 

I want to approach this advent season as if I am on a long and winding road in a new land. My road will have exits though. Places to stop and take in the beauty, the wonder that is beyond the obvious path. 

What do you want to discover on your advent journey this year? What are you looking for? I have the obvious things: health for myself and my family, business success in order to provide for our needs as well as help others who are less fortunate, draw closer to God because in all things He is my guide. The challenge is to not be caught up in the distractions of the season but to get off that speeding path now and then to pursue these things.

Advent challenge #1: Take a moment today to write (either with pen and paper or in notes on your phone) your advent journey discovery desires. Share them with someone for accountability and encouragement.

Prayer: Lord guide us safely on this busy path as we draw closer to You. Help us see the hidden treasures along the way and thank You for them. Help us to look beyond the obvious and discover the unknown, as we journey to the best Gift of all.  In Jesus' name. Amen.

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