Thursday, December 14, 2017

Check that list - twice! (Advent 2017)

"He's makin' a list, checkin' it twice......" A lot of list making and checking going on these last days before Christmas! Are you a list maker? I find that a list is essential when I am getting ready for a trip. The key is not only in making the list,  but in checking it!  Since I ponder things so deeply, I start making lists long before the journey begins. I have lists in my journal, lists in my phone and several lists on the island in our kitchen.  There are shopping lists, to do lists and wish lists. I love lists!

So what kind of list do we make for our Advent journey? When I make lists for other things it is for the sole purpose of not forgetting something that is important. The grocery list has become my best friend.  I used to be able to keep a list of items needed in my head and not forget any of them once I got to the store - not so much now! Have you ever gone to the store specifically for one item, and get home only to find your bag is filled with everything but that one item!? I don't want that to happen on my trip through Advent. I know my destination, I've determined the route I want to take. The shopping and packing are under way - so why make a list? Because as Christmas gets closer I absolutely don't want to forget the main thing I'm headed for. It is easy to be caught up in the excitement, the parties, all of the 'stuff' that is going on around us. Just like walking into the grocery store and a display of food or yummy samples distracts me, so can the bright shininess of Christmas draw me away from my destination.  It's time to make a list of things not to forget.  In the last few days I've already talked about lists: shopping list, packing list - now it is time for the 'don't forget to do' list!

1. Remember what I'm celebrating
2. Read the story
3. Give generously (we ALL have something to give)
4. Be thankful
5. Pray

My list may look different than yours. Each of us is walking the path on a different route. Yet we are all headed to the same place, see you there!

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to guide my feet, and a light for my path. NLT

Advent challenge #7 - Spend some quiet time today without a list! Set aside the craziness of the season and just 'be'.  Then make a new list, refocused on your Journey. Ask God what direction to take.  

Prayer: Lord help me keep on that path You have for me.  Don't let me be distracted by the next pretty thing that comes along, but keep my eyes on the destination You are guiding me to. Amen.

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