Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Are you packing? (Advent 2017)

One of the main things to do before a trip is to pack. For some this is a well thought out process, complete with lists of things needed to take and the most efficient way to store everything in luggage.  For others it is a last minute "oh I need this!" and toss things in, with the thought that if something is forgotten you can just buy more. I have a funny story, from my daughter, that I will probably get in trouble for telling. When she was very young, even as young as 8 years old, when we would go on family vacations she always did her own packing. She is meticulous and a bit OCD about packing.  She would get her suitcase out days before we would leave and start packing. One thing that she always did was pack her underwear first! I'm not talking about 1 pair for each day and then a spare, she would have at least 2 weeks of underwear packed, no matter how long (or short) our trip was. Not only would she pack, she would check and recheck that suitcase numerous times just to be sure she didn't forget her underwear.

The indication that you have packed successfully is being totally prepared for whatever comes. There is another meaning for 'packing' that is now common in our world.  When someone says they are packing, it can mean they are armed with a weapon. Again, preparation. Where one type of packing is to be prepared for the expected (clothes for special events, jewelry, toiletries etc) the other is being prepared for the unexpected. The possibility of needing to defend one's self or loved ones. Now I don't want to get into a discussion of agreement or defense of the practice of carrying a weapon, I simply want you to think a bit about being prepared.

What are you packing for this journey of Advent? Have you armed yourself with truth from Scripture? Have you packed your life full of prayer? Have you included in your list for packing those you can help and support through this season? Packing is an important function for a journey - it can totally change the outcome by the way you pack. 

As I go about these days of Advent I am doing both types of packing. I'm making lists as things come to mind, of things I need to do, people I want to see and preparing for all of the events that I know are coming. I'm also packing a weapon - the Word. I'm relying on God to open it up for me, to bring to mind the words I may need when an unexpected thing pops up in my life. By arming myself in such a way, I have comfort, assurance and trust that I will be prepared for whatever may come. 

Ephesians 6:10-13 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. NIV

Advent challenge #6 - Today make a list of what you need to pack for the remainder of the Advent journey. Remember to include things for the expected and the unexpected! 

Prayer: Lord, help me be strong in these days of the unexpected.  Help me to stay focused on You and the good that is there for me. Guide me to be prepared for whatever I encounter, and to always look to You for my needs.  Amen.

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