Thursday, February 25, 2016

Why "throwback"?

I love logging on to social media and seeing "throwback Thursday" posts.  To reminisce through pictures that people share, or to see pictures of my own that pop up and bring back memories can be a fun thing,  sometimes nostalgic or even sad. Today I have been thinking about why don't we "throwback" more often in our spiritual journey? How often do you revisit the time when you first said YES to God?   As I thought about that, it dawned on me that many people I know don't do that throwback because thinking back to their experience with church or God is not a positive one.  It may bring thoughts of rules, legalism and criticism. Why revisit a time when you felt that everything you did was not approved of? Why even go to church when all of  your memories of it are about condemnation and feeling you will never be good enough?

That is one reason I am so passionate about sharing my faith.  The God I know and love is not one that places those rules on my life.  Many people like to pull  judgmental verses out of the Bible and build belief systems and doctrines around them. Telling us what to do, what not to do and so forth.  As one who is constantly seeking to learn more, I chose a long time ago to study and look at the whole story.  So see the vast picture that Scripture paints for us, to show us the love and grace God extends to us over and over.  By learning what the setting of each account is, what was going on in the world when it was written and even how words are translated it opens up my heart and mind to so much more understanding. Just like anything really worth knowing it takes work.  It is easier to just take the preacher or teacher's word on something -  unquestionably believing what they say or how they say it. Remember folks - they are just men and women like we are.  They are on their own journey and discovering God's purpose for them, just like we are.  Listen, discuss and then dig in and experience God for yourself.

I take time to get to know the people I love.  I care about their feelings. I try to understand what the meaning is behind their words and actions. I do no less with God.  I read, pray and study in order to understand. Just like with our loved ones, sometimes the things I discover about God are hard to take.  "Forgive someone?! But they don't deserve it!"  Neither did I. "Why should I give her another chance - she will just hurt me again?" God gave me many chances, when I know that my actions hurt His heart.  

Lent is like the ultimate throwback Thursday.  An extended period of time to look inward and see the past. To remember, to evaluate and to grow.  It is also a reminder that I'm not that person anymore, God changed me, Jesus loves me and as we journey to that ultimate "Throwback Thursday" in a few weeks, when we will spend agonizing time in the garden, we also know that Sunday is coming!  

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