Friday, February 26, 2016

Sometimes we just have to retreat!

One of many definitions of retreat:

To  withdraw to a private abode or to any secluded situation.

I am going to "retreat" this weekend.  For a portion of it I will be working with a couple of other women in leading a group of Christian sisters for a time away from every day life.  We will laugh, sing, eat, study, pray and generally just enjoy being together.  

Even though I will have some duties, I am excited and anticipating time away - to 'retreat' for myself.  I'm pretty good at carving out time to be alone, but there is just something about being away from the everyday routine, in different surroundings, that enables me to listen more closely for God's voice. I challenge you to do the same this weekend.  Find some time to slip away, to get out of your normal routine and spend some time listening for God. Think about where you are on this lenten journey and where you want to be as we draw closer to the Cross. 

I'm going to spend some time in this place.  It may not be the high mountains that I so desperately want to visit again, but this is a sacred place and I haven't visited it in awhile.  A time to sit, to pray and to listen.  May your weekend be blessed, I know mine will be.

Philippians 1:3-4  Every time I  think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy

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