Monday, February 29, 2016

Take the leap!

Leap day is interesting!  Some people only get to really celebrate their birthday once every 4 years. Others have things happen (death of a family member or friend, unexpected events, etc) on leap day and they only have an anniversary of that on those leap years.

Today is unique - how will you make it a day that stands out in your mind and memory? It is just another day on the calendar, but why not make it special?  Try something you haven't done before, reach out and make a connection with a long lost friend or reconcile with an estranged family member.  Today I plan to LEAP!

L learn, lead, love
E encourage, explore, endure
A accomplish, acknowledge,  accept
P prepare, persevere, pray

I will learn something new today.  Something for my business where I  lead others,  I will lead by example with love. 

I will encourage.  By sending encouraging thoughts to my work team of 33 women.  By encouraging my daughter as she goes on job interviews. I will explore new avenues in my faith walk, my work life and in my relationships. I will continue to endure through rough patches and work on encouraging myself more.

I will accomplish my end of month tasks, acknowledge where I succeeded, accept where I failed and thank God in all of it.

I will prepare myself for what is coming!  I will prepare my heart for the rest of the lenten journey. I will prepare my team for the next step in our businesses as a new season comes and we have great opportunities stretched out ahead of us.  I will persevere when the obstacles appear and I will push through them. Above all I will pray.  

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