Saturday, March 12, 2016

Challenge! Are you ready?

I turned 59 last Tuesday.  I am always trying new things, and I imagine I will continue that practice through how ever many days God gives me on this earth. One of the things I have been pondering in this year's season in the wilderness is what 'new' things I will do this last year in my 50's.  

Last year I ziplined, I finished writing a book, I knitted a garment (I had knitted before, but not a piece of clothing).  Looking through idea pages on Pinterest I usually find new things to try - a new food to cook and taste, a new craft item to make, a new place to visit. Sometimes just choosing the new thing is the hardest part! 

As I go about my routine Saturday chores of cleaning house and ironing I will be pondering what new direction to travel in or what new thing to try.  I will also ponder, as I iron, what new direction I want my spiritual path to take as we near the end of lent.  I don't want to fall back on a stagnant prayer life or mediocre study time.  Last year I also started the simplifying and purging process of our home. I continued throughout the year, and made great progress, but there is more work to be done!  I continue to be amazed that with each box or load of things I remove from the house, the tasks to keep up with lessen.  The things I treasure are more readily seen and appreciated and the random stuff is gone.  I will continue on that path of decluttering.

My challenge will include a new study to begin after Resurrection Sunday.
A new commitment to keep God in the forefront of all that I do.
An exercise challenge to set for myself, and achieve it!
A new place to visit next September in our 'escape the heat' mini vacation.
A new craft or skill to learn and perfect, tatting maybe?
A new place to serve others.
A new rank and leadership position in my business.

What about you?  As we journey out of the wilderness, what new direction will you travel in? 
Stretch yourself ~ challenge yourself ~ appreciate yourself.  Try something NEW!

1 comment:

  1. Learn How to Knit in the Portuguese Style with Andrea Wong today and try something new! This may be my NEW - Portugese Knitting!


Lent - What does it mean for me?

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