Friday, March 4, 2016

Goals! Why?

I work in Direct Sales. Being self employed takes commitment and time.  A lot of self discipline is involved and many people look at this business and see the success stories, but then never reach those dream destinations of lots of money and success for themselves. It takes determination and hard work, just like any job.  I approach my direct sales as a job, because it is.  Others see it as a scheme or a scam - mainly because they don't understand.
This morning I happen to be sitting in a campground looking out over a lovely scene and the Frio River is just steps away, where I will be going for a walk later today.  That is a perk of working for myself - I have internet so I can conduct my business wherever I am.  The hardest part is actually doing work when I could be distracted by the vacation like setting of camping!  I love the freedom of choosing where my office will be for each day, and being able to work at any time I choose.  

So what does that have to do with my spiritual journey?  I look at that in the same way.  I set goals for myself to improve my relationship with God.  I make it a priority to set aside time to pray, to give to others and to read/study my Bible so that I can know God better. I need reminding, often, to look outside of myself to love others but that starts by looking inward and evaluating where I am falling short. Lent is a time of self reflection for me, for all of those reasons.  I set those spiritual goals just like I do my work goals.  Just like my business improves when I dedicate time to it so does my spiritual well-being improve when I make time for God.  How are you prioritizing your spiritual needs these days?  Are you making time to stop and listen, to pray and to allow God to guide you?  When I make that my focus, all other areas of my life go much smoother.  It doesn't mean frustrations and troubles are instantly gone, but my spirit is more at rest when I focus on the bigger picture that God has for me. Sometimes I want to give up on the business I have chosen, it seems like the success is just too slow in coming. Then I keep at it another day, another sale comes and another advancement and a nice paycheck - so I keep on. Just like my work, keeping that focus on God takes commitment.  I pray and I study and sometimes it seems like God is silent- then I get a response of a changed life or an answered prayer because of God and it keeps me going another day.  I set goals and I keep on because the ultimate reward of eternal life with God is so worth it.   Answers don't always come in the form I desire, just like my business doesn't  always progress in the way I want it to. Sometimes my spiritual journey often goes in different directions as well.  But I consistently turn back to God, as He never disappoints.   

Always look for the next door!

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