Monday, March 7, 2016

Keep Going? Why?

Resurrection Sunday is still nearly 3 weeks away.  It seems, at least for me, that I have been in the wilderness for much longer than this month that has passed since Ash Wednesday. Sometimes the spiritual disciplines that I set out for myself are hard to stick with.  Other times I think it would just be easier to say "I tried, but what good is it doing me?" 

Why continue to pray when I see friends suffering with critical illness? Why continue to give to others when I struggle to meet our own needs? Why read my Bible when there are so many other writings and opinions battling for my attention and beckoning me to believe?
Then I remember all of the times in my life that it has been my faith and my trust in God that have sustained me when nothing else can.  My Bible gives me encouragement, guidance and hope for whatever I face.  Giving is my greatest pleasure.  When I give I get so much in return and very little of it has to do with money.  Being in the wilderness helps me remember these things.  I have been involved in leading 2 retreats over the last month and both times the Spirit has moved in powerful ways.  Women have shared precious details of the struggles they face and when we came together in prayer, study and worship the burdens were lighter somehow.  That is why I keep going, to be part of the Body of Christ is like none other.  

If you are struggling in the wilderness, reach out.  If to no one else, reach out to God.  He truly is listening and there is no judgment in your struggle.   I love this reading from Jesus Calling

Let me help you through this day. The challenges you face are far too great for you to handle alone. You are  keenly aware of your helplessness in the scheme of events you face. This awareness opens up a choice; to doggedly go it alone or to walk with Me in humble steps of  dependence. Actually, this choice is continually before you, but difficulties highlight the decision-making process.  So, consider it  all joy whenever you are enveloped in various trials. These are the gifts from Me, reminding you to rely on Me alone.
From March 7, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Rely on God alone...... hard sometimes.  I'm a 'go getter' and I like to be in charge.  I want to find solutions, fix things and control outcomes.  Sometimes that just isn't possible and I have to give in.  When I do that sooner, rather than later, I nearly always find that God's way is better than what I could have come up with myself.  Answers are not always what I want to hear, and solutions often go against my desire.  Yet I trust.  I believe and I will continue to pray.  Let's keep walking in the wilderness and see what is next!

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