Monday, March 13, 2017

Let's do it!!

Today would have been my mom's 94th birthday.  She lived to age 87 and she had a rich and varied life.  As I celebrated my 60th birthday recently I have been thinking a lot about stages of life and things I have experienced.  I also recalled that my mom moved to Texas (after both of her girls had married and moved here) at age 62.  She had lived, worked, buried her husband while  enjoying life in the same small California mountain town for most of her adult life to that point.  She moved to a completely different type of community and into an apartment.  She quickly got involved in many community clubs and activities, she continued to work well into her 70's.  When I think about my mom and all that she did and enjoyed after her move to Texas it made me realize even more that we can have new and exciting things in our lives when we choose to explore and discover them.  

Sometimes that means 'rebuilding' or starting something over.  My mom had lived and worked in a very familiar town and loved her work.  The pull to live closer to her children and grandchildren was stronger for her than to remain in a familiar place and lifestyle. She worked to make new friends, experience new things and so much more -beginning at age 62.   Most of us won't make big moves like that, but something else came to mind today as I have been contemplating all of that.  What about just rebuilding?  Maybe there is a relationship that has been in ruins for many years, and you might not even remember what caused the damage.  Or maybe there is something you always loved to do, and just gave it up -why not revisit a talent, a skill, a hobby?  Is your spiritual life in excellent shape? Maybe that wall of God's presence around you has been crumbling and you feel like you are aimlessly moving through life without direction.   Think about rebuilding.  

Rebuilding has been on my mind as I continue to read Nehemiah:

Nehemiah 2:17-20 But now I said to them, "You know very well what trouble we are in. Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been destroyed by fire.  Let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem and end this disgrace!" Then I told them about how the gracious hand of God had been on me, and about my conversation with the king. They replied at once, "Yes, let's rebuild the wall." So they began a good work. But when the Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem the Arab heard of our plan, they scoffed contemptuously. "What are you doing? Are you rebelling against the king?" they asked.  I replied, "The God of heaven will help us succeed. We, his servants, will start rebuilding this wall. But you have no share, legal right, or historic claim in Jerusalem."

Nehemiah had spent a lot of time on the thought of rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem. He started with a conversation and prayer with God, he formulated plans and he took action. Imagine when he saw the rubble in person and how overwhelmed he must have felt!  He acknowledges that trouble and hard times are ahead, but always relying on God he moves forward.  Do you do that in the things you are facing?  Do you push on ahead, even when things seem impossible?  Back to my mom, a move across the country to a totally different lifestyle could have seemed impossible for her.  She made a plan, she did as much research as she could and she had trust.  She was facing life not knowing anyone (peers) and going to live in an apartment community after years of living in her own home.  She built a new life that was rich, active and so fulfilling.  After she died, while reminiscing my sister and I got to thinking about things and we determined that she had lived in that apartment longer than she had lived in any other home!  She had lived in other towns for longer periods, but not in one home  like she did that apartment.  She built something new and she nurtured that new life that she made. 

So whether you are desiring a total rebuild, a repair or maybe just an improvement, take a long look today and then get started.  Be determined, like Nehemiah, to move forward no matter what obstacles or opposition may come.  Blessings have an interesting way of showing up when you least expect them.

Prayer:  God help me look deep inside today.  Do I have places that are in rubble and need rebuilding?  Are You calling me to go forward to something new?  Help me hear You and take those steps to action.  Don't let circumstances or worry cripple me from going the distance.  Walk with me through it all with your hand of grace upon my shoulder.  In all things I thank You - Amen.

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