Monday, March 6, 2017

Tell me what you really want!

I have been watching and listening to a lot of tapes and videos for my business.  One of the lessons I have spent quite a bit a time on is helping someone articulate their 'why'. Listening to discover why someone wants to work in a different job, add more income or simply change things about their present situation.  I don't know anyone that wouldn't want to make more money than they do, but to talk to most people there is a deep desire and a reason for wanting the things they want. I have also tackled this same challenge when working with life coaching clients.  

"Tell me why you want to work from home?"  

"Because I need to make some extra money to pay bills."   

(some people would just stop there)......

"Do you have a specific need, tell me about it?"

"Yes, if I can make $2000 a month it will help us make our second car payment and pay for braces for our child".

"Good, then let's look at how you can do that, and what exactly you need to do!"

By listening and probing just a little bit I can get to the real issue that is bothering someone or the deep dreams and desires they have that they keep inside. Do you do that with yourself?  Do you do that with God?  When we left Nehemiah he was in the middle of a prayer to God.  He had been confessing, and he could have just left it at that - just fallen silent before God and hoped that things would turn out how he wanted.  I don't know about you, but I have fallen to that thinking many times.  I mull things over, I pray about them but I never go quite the next step and voice what I really want.  It's not like God doesn't already know, but I tell myself - "He's God - who am I to think I can question Him?"

Let's listen in on Nehemiah where we left off:

Nehemiah 1:8-11  "Please remember what you told your servant Moses: 'if you are unfaithful to me, I will scatter you among the nations. But if you return to me and obey my commands and live by them, then even if you are exiled to the ends of the earth, I will bring you back to the place I have chosen for my name to be honored.'    "The people you have rescued by your great power and strong hand are your servants. O Lord, please hear my prayer! Listen to the prayers of those of us who delight in honoring you. Please grant me success today by making the king favorable to me.  Put it in his heart to be kind to me."   In those days I was the king's cupbearer.

The cupbearer to the king was an important person.  In the days of Nehemiah, where plots and plans to destroy were rampant, the cupbearer was a highly trusted position in the king's court.  He was in charge of bringing the wine to the king, and often tasting said wine to assure the cup had not been tainted with poison. We will learn a bit later of some of the things Nehemiah accomplished so his position was also believed to be a quite lucrative one. After Nehemiah confessed to God he went on to remind God of the past.  I honed in more on the the next line "Oh Lord, hear my prayer!"  Nehemiah asked to be heard, he asked for others to be heard and he asked for a good day with his boss.  We will learn in the coming days how Nehemiah also was bold in asking those around him for what he wanted, but it started with God.   

I have been going through a prolonged period of insomnia.  I will have a few days when I sleep well and deeply, but for the most part the readings on my FitBit tell the story - not much sleep going on!  I can run through great scenarios in my head in the dark of night.  I can write profound letters and earth shattering articles that will change how people think. I also can spend hours doubting, wondering, worrying and questioning.  When I read this scripture passage this morning I thought to myself "Connie, what do you really want?"  I guess I'm like anyone else, I want to be heard.  I want to be believed, I want to be trusted.  I want to succeed.  But do I take those specifics to God?  Do you?  I asked myself if I had gotten to the place where Nehemiah was, so troubled by the situation that he fell down and pleaded with God and confessed.   I'm getting better and better at listening to people to learn what they really want and need.  But do I listen to my own thoughts and determine what I need, do I get quiet long enough to listen for God?

Today I throw a challenge out there for you - as you go through your day be intentional about listening. Instead of spending time formulating your answer before they are done speaking to you, listen and pause.  Listen to your co-workers.  Listen to your family and friends.  Listen to those around you.  Especially be listening for what they aren't saying. Pause a little longer, or ask a deeper question then give them space to express what it is they want.  As you get better at listening to others, I think you will find you are better able to tell God what you really want.  The process of hearing what others say and need may empower you do the same. 

Prayer: "Help me listen today God.  Help me pause long enough for others to speak.  Help me listen deeply and fully.  Then help me listen for You.  Help me be bold in my questioning of You, and open my ears to fully hear You.  

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