Friday, March 17, 2017

Together or Separate?

How would you describe yourself when it comes to working with others? My husband often talks about getting things done around our home and coming up with ways to do those things by himself.  We have many projects that he has managed to complete all on his own, by using ingenuity and plain old creative thinking.  I fully admit that I love to be in charge, but I also realize that it takes teamwork and cooperation to get most things done.  We all have skills and talents and when we put those together we can accomplish great things.

Today I hope you will take a moment to read chapter 3 of Nehemiah.  I am not going to type the entire thing out, but you can learn a lot from those verses if you take just a little time.  At first glance it seems like a lot of boring lists of names.  When you really dig in there is a wealth of information in this chapter.

In a nutshell it is a list of those who came together to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem.  In that list you will find some interesting facts.  Some who came together to work on that project:

*sons, grandsons
*leaders who refused to work with certain people
*leaders of districts
*temple servants

Are you getting the picture?  Many people, from various walks of life, had a common purpose and they came together to get the job done.  Not one of those groups could have done it alone, but together the pile of rubble started to take form again.  Nehemiah had a vision, a plan and a goal that required a large group of people to come together in order to complete that plan. I love the wording "next to them, next to him, after him,  across from his own house....." I can picture it! Seeing work being done, something special being accomplished and wanting to be part of it.  

Where in your life are you 'on the outside, looking in?'  What is going on around you that you wish you were part of? There are a lot of things that can separate us from others, or a better way to put it would be how we allow ourselves to be separated from others. It is kind of disheartening to look back at most of my adult life and wish I had done things differently.  I worked at jobs or on projects that I thought were expected of me, all while ignoring the pull on my heart to do something completely different. It has been a long process but now I feel like I'm listening and following the path I'm meant to be on. All that I have learned in these first 59 years of my life are coming together and I'm excited to see what is next. Turning 60 is like opening a new door to a bright and unknown land that begs to be discovered. I have a plan, I have goals and I'm going to figure out a way to do the impossible!  The things I do now, particularly in my work, require me to work next to and with others.  Some days I still feel like I'm on the outside looking in, as if my days go by with someone else directing them. I  want to be like Nehemiah, to see the pile of rubble before me and want to rebuild it. To inspire others and invite them to come along with me, to build something great. 

My 'dare greatly' always involves God.  Yesterday I had moments when it seemed like all that I work for and strive to achieve is so far out of reach that I might as well give up.  Then that small voice stirs inside of me and says "I never gave up. I believe in you. I never said it would be easy, you have much to learn as you keep going".  So today I will.  I will keep talking about my vision and my plan. I will look for others that see the good we can accomplish together - and before we know it others will be 'next to us, come from across the street' and we will build.  Opposition will come, another pile of rubble will need to be cleared before the building continues.  

Keep moving the debris out of your life as we continue to journey through Lent.  Learn from chapter 3 of Nehemiah - that coming together allows us to build strength out of destruction and God's hand will guide you through it all.

Prayer: Lord help me see Your vision in the impossible.  Bring those that will share my vision to stand along side of me, to work in the dirt and find the beauty that is there to be uncovered.  Help me to step out, to join in and to do.  Lead me forward, help me push the debris aside and build on Your foundation.  Bring the unexpected helpers into my life, that we might have a common goal of doing Your work.  I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

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