Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Advent 2022 - Ponder TREES

Trees are mentioned in the Bible more than any living thing other than God and people. And every major character has a tree associated with it. Jesus died on a tree because it was prophesied in the Old Testament. Trees, like Jesus, give rather than take. Christianity.com, Trees in the Bible.

I pondered why I am so drawn to trees.  I'm sitting in my den, the window is open, and I can hear light rain dripping from the tall trees outside. There is a carpet of leaves on the ground, being watered by that rain. They are yellow and dead separate from the branches where they drew life all through the summer. Now they will decompose, adding nutrients and life back into the ground to be fed upon by the trees once again.

If you search online about trees in the Bible, I think you will be surprised at the number of articles, studies, and information that pop up. I just know I love trees. I love the sound of wind in the pines, the scent of blossoms in the spring, and the shade they provide during our hot Texas weather. I love the crackle of logs in a fireplace as the tree provides heat.

Now here we are in the middle of the Christmas season, and we bring trees into our homes. We decorate, admire, and enjoy them. I have an ornament on my tree that no one ever notices. I have had it for about 20 years, and it always hangs near the trunk. When I put that ornament on the tree, I remember. I remember the trunk of a tree that Jesus died on. The large nails that were driven through his hands and feet. Trees.

Trees provide so much for us! Paper, furniture, food, fuel, and pure pleasure simply by sitting under one on a hot day. I grew up in logging country, in the mountains of California. Those forests provided so much for our community. From the men who worked harvesting, trucking, and processing at the mill and all the support that went with it. The trees even provided for our family. My father owned a tire business. The majority of his business came from the loggers. Many of the young people in that community had their first jobs at the mill, and some remained there for many years. Twelve years ago, my sister and I traveled to our hometown to bury our mom. We spent a day driving up the highway, reminiscing about childhood and that lovely drive from Jackson, CA, toward Lake Tahoe. Nothing was the same. When I grew up, those forests were lush and beautiful because they were properly cared for. Now the mills are mostly closed. The livelihood that the forest provided has dwindled. The very act of trying to save the trees has in many ways been their demise. Trees can be a hot topic and critics on both sides of the issue of how trees should be maintained spark arguments and discussions. I commented recently on our local homeowner's website about the trees being cut down near our home to allow more homes to be built. There were angry comments almost immediately. Both sides - why the trees need to be cut and why they don't. I deleted my comment and went on my way. Trees can cause a lot of discussions!

So what does this jumble of thoughts have to do with Advent? We wait for Jesus. We will commemorate his birth, and we wait for his second coming. From the beginning of Genesis and the tree of life to Revelation and the words we read there:

And if anyone removes any of the words from this book of prophecy, God will remove that person's share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book. He who is the faithful witness to all these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon!" Amen! Come Lord Jesus! May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's holy people. Revelation 22:19-21. NLT

I'm so thankful that trees renew themselves. Trees remind me that God is in the restoration and renewal business. When small seeds drop to the ground and seem dead, a new tree can spring up. Trees remind me to keep planting seeds. To keep looking to God for the renewal that only He can bring. May the small seeds of faith and trust in God that I plant grow into a mighty tree of devotion to Him. 

Challenge: Notice trees today. Ponder how a tree can be an example for you of provision by God. Take some quiet moments to study a bit about trees in the Bible. Stand under a tree and simply take it in, remembering what Jesus did for you on a dead tree, so that you can live!

Prayer: Lord, help me to notice all of your creation. Renew me like you do the trees. Help the seeds planted in me to grow and flourish, then help me sow those seeds into others so that they can grow strong in You. Help me to be useful in Your kingdom, and keep me ever watchful as I wait.......... In Jesus' name. Amen.

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