Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Advent 2022 - Ponder BEHOOVE

When I was growing up, I hated this word - behoove. Whenever my mother would say it to me, I assumed I would be in trouble or some punishment was coming. I never really knew what behoove meant; I simply knew I better do what she said!

So I decided to dig in and see if this word is actually what I think it is.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary describes it like this: To be necessary for; to be fit for; with respect to necessity, duty or convenience.  Also this: And thus it behooved Christ to suffer.

Back to Mom - "It would behoove you to clean your room now!" "It would behoove you to put your laundry away." I always just thought I would be punished if I didn't, so it was beneficial to obey.

So it behooved Christ to suffer? It was necessary, duty? Actually yes. He was born to die, for us.

Luke 24:25 NLT Then Jesus said to them, "You foolish people! You find it so hard to believe all that the prophets wrote in the Scriptures. Wasn't it clearly predicted that the Messiah would have to suffer all these things before entering his glory!" 

It was necessary. Jesus being born, living sinless, and being crucified was not a punishment. It was his purpose. As we journey through Advent, focusing on the wonder of Jesus' birth is easy. I want to spend equal time on his coming again. Pondering the necessity of his existence to redeem us can be overwhelming. It behooves me to explore it more!

So was my mother saying I would be punished? Maybe not. Perhaps she was simply saying I needed to do what was expected of me as part of the family. It was my duty to be responsible for certain things. It didn't mean it was a punishment; it was things that were my responsibility to do. Jesus had a duty and purpose. I'm sure he didn't want to go to the Cross, any more than I wanted to clean my room, but it was necessary.

Challenge: Ponder what your duty is. Think deeply about it; what are you fit for? What is your purpose for this Advent? Does Jesus get lost in your holiday preparation? Do we lose sight of him as we sing, decorate, shop, and gather for parties? Are a quick prayer and special worship service enough? Do we picture that baby in a manger more than the image of his glorious return? It would behoove us all to ponder the necessity of Advent. Jesus is coming again; I want to be ready.

Prayer: Lord, help me see what my purpose is. Lead me, by Jesus' example, to be obedient to You. Help me lay down my wants and expectations, then let me see what You have for me. Prepare my heart for it to be filled to overflowing with Jesus. In his name, I pray, Amen.

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