Wednesday, December 28, 2022

12 Days of Christmas - Ponder DISRUPTIONS

The morning of Christmas Eve, I was standing in my kitchen, preparing things for holiday meals. Suddenly, I heard a rushing 'woosh,' and water was pouring out of the wall and over the floor within seconds. I had never heard a pipe burst before, and I am so thankful we were home! I quickly turned the water off at the curb and called our son-in-law. They were coming to our home later that day, and since he is a journeyman plumber, we were fortunate to have water back on and the pipe capped without too much disruption to our day. Granted, I now have holes in the wall and further pipework that will need to be done, but that is a discussion for a later day!

Since the Christmas festivities ended, the last few days have been a series of disruptions. The unusually cold weather (for Texas) is beginning to normalize. Like us, many people had to deal with water or electricity issues amid the 'most wonderful time of the year.' Our family also had two more hospital visits yesterday (everyone is okay, just some worrisome and ongoing health issues). Driving home last night, I noticed the disrupted lanes on the highway leading to our home. There is a large, ongoing road construction project that causes huge disruptions in traffic flow. We were recently told this construction may (and probably will) last until December of 2023. 

How do you handle disruptions? I had my week all neatly planned out in my calendar. A time each day to study and write. Gradually putting various decorations away and cleaning our home just a bit at a time, so all of the glitz and lights aren't gone all at once. The normal things like laundry and grocery shopping. With one quick phone call, disruptions completely changed my routine. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I traditionally spend the week between Christmas and New Year's Day praying and deciding my word of focus for the new year.  With all of these recent disruptions, I still need to start on that process. I looked back on my notes from choosing the word ponder for 2022, and it certainly has been a year of pondering!  Ponder: to weigh in the mind; to consider and compare the circumstances or consequences of an event, or the importance of the reasons for or against a decision. To review with deliberation; to examine.  The Scripture verse I chose to go along with is this: How amazing are the deeds of the Lord! All who delight in Him should ponder them. Psalm 111:2.

I don't know that all of the events of 2022 have been pondered thoroughly. I still examine them and wonder what God's plan is in all these events of the year. I faithfully believe that God has a plan. I just wish I knew what it was!

There have been no disruptions so far on this day. I remember a favorite phrase from special retreat events: "don't anticipate." I am reminding myself to not worry or fret about what MIGHT happen. Disruptions will continue. Even though most times disruptions are out of our control, our response to them is completely in our control.

Mary and Joseph had many disruptions. Here is a big one! After the wise men were gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. "Get up! Flee to Egypt with the child and his mother," the angel said. "Stay there until I tell you to return, because Herod is going to search for the child to kill him".  Now that is a disruption! That is usually how they come, at a moment's notice, when action must be taken, just like the broken pipe. Most disruptions require immediate action. But I get ahead of myself. These days of Christmas are about preparing for the wise men to visit. We should be continuing to bask in the glory of Christ's birth. If Mary and Joseph had known those men would visit to bring gifts, do you think they would be expecting that troubling dream telling them to flee? As I put away all of my treasured Christmas fineries, I want to enjoy them as much as I do unpacking them each year. To remember how I felt when my child made an ornament, to think back on putting out some of these decorations with my Mom or Dad, I want to hold on just a little longer to the joy of the season and not be dragged down by the disruptions. They will continue to come.......

Challenge: How do you handle disruptions? Consider one disruption you had during this holiday season. How did you respond? Could you have handled it differently? How did God come into your response? Keep walking with God. He will guide you through the disruptions. (If I didn't believe that, I would have given up long ago.)

The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way? Proverbs 20:24 NLT.  Place your name in that verse: "Connie, the Lord directs your steps. why are you trying to understand everything along the way?"  I don't understand the disruptions that have been plaguing my life. I'm sure you are the same. I simply keep trusting the God I love.

Prayer: Father God, guide me through the disruptions. Show me a bit of Yourself in each situation. May others see You in my responses and lean toward You as well. Help me continue to walk in Your strength no matter what comes next.  I trust You! In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

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